












    2-1 几何构造分析





















    4-8 试用静力法作静定多跨梁fra、frb、ma的影响线。

    4-14(1) 试用机动法重做4-7。

    4-14(2) 试用机动法重做4-8。

    4-15 试用影响线,求在所示荷载作用下的fra、frb、fqc、mc。

    4-16 试求图示车队荷载在影响线z上的最不利位置和z的绝对最大值。

    4-17 两台吊车如图所示,试求吊车梁的mc、fqc的荷载最不利位置,并计算其最大值(和最小值)。

    5-2 设图示支座a有给定位移δx、δy、δφ。试求k点的竖向位移δv、水平位移δh和转角θ。

    5-7b 试用积分法求图示悬臂梁a端和跨中c点的竖向位移和转角(忽略剪切变形的影响)。

    5-19 试求图示梁c点的挠度。

    5-22 试求图示刚架a点和d点的竖向位移。

    5-29 设图示三铰刚架内部升温30℃,试求c点的竖向位移δc。

    6-2(b) 试用力法计算图示结构,作m、fq图。

    6-3(b) 试用力法计算图示结构,作m图。

    6-4(b) 试用力法计算图示排架,作m图。

    6-5(b) 试用力法计算图示桁架的轴力,各杆ea=常数。

    6-6 试计算图示组合式吊车梁各杆内力,作横梁的弯矩图。

    6-8(c) 试作图示对称结构的m图。

    6-18 设图示梁b端下沉c,试作梁的m图和fq图。

    7-6 试作图示刚架的弯矩图,设各杆ei相同。

    7-9 试作图示刚架的弯矩图,设各杆ei为常数。

    7-10 试作图示刚架的弯矩图。

    7-12 试利用对称性,作图示刚架的弯矩图。

    7-15 试作图示刚架的弯矩图。

    7-16 设支座b下沉0.5cm,试作图示刚架的弯矩图。

    8-1 试用力矩分配法计算图(a)所示结构,并作弯矩图。

    8-8 试作图示刚架的弯矩图。

    【single choice question】which of the following is not a feature of science?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following are not typical psychological research objects?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about psychology?

    【single choice question】which of the following phenomena is reactivity? a. when people are stimulated, they will react b. dogs salivate when they eat food c. when the observed know that they are being observed, their behaviors change d. the observed persons act according to the requirements of the observer

    【multiple-choice question】in the following statements about observation method, the correct ones are a. the observation results may be accidental b. when yzing the observation results, it is difficult to keep the description level strictly c. observation is always reliable d. observation is often used for general understanding of phenomena before formal research

    【single choice question】in the following statements about correlation method, the incorrect ones are a. the correlation between the two phenomena does not mean that there is a causal relationship between them b. there are only positive correlation and negative correlation between the two phenomena c. the correlation between the two phenomena means that there is no causal relationship between them d. the correlation between the two phenomena means that there must be a causal relationship between them

    【single choice question】psychology has a long past, but only a short history. the first psychologist to say this was

    【single choice question】in the personality structure model of sigmund freud's theory, what follows the principle of happiness is

    【single choice question】according to sigmund freud's psychoytic theory, when the id and the superego collide , ( ) will be produced.

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following psychologists are wundt's students?

    【multiple-choice question】what instincts did sigmund freud think drive human behavior?

    【multiple-choice question】in sigmund freud's theory of dreams, what are the parts of dreams?

    【single choice question】the psychologist who invited sigmund freud to speak in the united states was a. william james b. james angel c. edward thorndike d. stanley hall

    【single choice question】little albert experiment proved that a. consciousness was very important b. emotion could be learned c. behavior could be shaped d. instinct was very important

    【single choice question】the psychologist who published the article giving up instincts in psychology was a. john watson b. rosalie rayner c. zing yang kuo d. edward tolman

    【single choice question】behaviori psychology has gone through ( )stages. a.2 b.3 c.4 d.5

    【single choice question】the psychologist known as the father of positive psychology is a. abraham maslow b. carl rogers c. martin seligman d. david buss

    【single choice question】the relationship between physical stimulus and sensation

    【single choice question】( )is the first to propose psychophysics.

    【multiple-choice question】as for the difference threshold, which of the following statements are correct?

    【 true or false questions】pain can only bring pain, and has no meaning

    【multiple-choice question】sense of skin includs a. sense of touch pressure b. sense of cold c. sense of warm d. sense of pain

    【multiple-choice question】when objects are far away, what distance cues do we use when we perceive distance? a. convergence of the optic axis b. binocular parallax c.linear perspective d. aerial perspective

    【multiple-choice question】as for the development of depth perception, which of the following statements are correct about the development of depth perception? a. 2-month-old infants can’t perceive depth b. 7-month-old infants can perceive depth and know that depth means danger c. 2-year-old infants can’t perceive dept d. 2-year-old infants can perceive dept and know that depth means danger

    【 true or false questions】we cannot perceive things that are not red as red

    【 true or false questions】we will definitely perceive the objects that are far away form us as very all

    【 true or false questions】the two images formed by two eyes to the same object are always the same

    【single choice question】which of the following is true about the development of rem sleep?

    【multiple-choice question】what is the connotation of consciousness?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following behaviors are unconscious?

    【multiple-choice question】what are the main stages of sleep?

    【 true or false questions】sleep deprivation causes insomnia.

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following are the functions of sleep? a. energy saving b. keeping alert c. brain repairing d. mood adjusting

    【single choice question】since when did psychologists have a better understanding of dreams? a. freud published the interpretation of dreams b. psychologists began to use eeg to study sleep c. ebbinghaus began to use experiments to study memory d. james began to discuss stream of consciousness

    【single choice question】which factor has the greatest influence on hypnotic effect? a. hypnotist's hypnotic skills b. the personality of hypnotist c. hypnotizability of hypnotic participants d. personality traits of hypnotic participants

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following is true about meditation? a. meditation is an altered state of consciousness b. cross legged is necessary in meditation c. when meditating, we should do highly difficult yoga posture d. meditation can relieve anxiety

    【 true or false questions】there are more dreams in rem sleep.

    【single choice question】in physiological terms, learning is

    【single choice question】in pavlov's study, dogs began to salivate when they heard a bell. the behavior of salivation is

    【multiple-choice question】what is the core component of learning concept

    【 true or false questions】learning refers to the learning of knowledge and skills.

    【multiple-choice question】 which of the following statements are true about albert bandura's observational learning experiment a. children's age is the key factor of learning b. children's understanding of the results of model behavior is the key factor of learning c. after watching the film, the children will predict the results of their similar behaviors d. when the children watch the film, they at least partially remember the behavior of the characters in the film

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following factors will affect people's imitation of violence in the media a. whether the violence in the media is easy to attract people's attention b. whether violence in the media is easy to achieve in daily life c. whether violence brings benefits to the violent actors d. whether the violent actors are punished

    【 true or false questions】behaviors rewarded are easy to be imitated.

    【 true or false questions】those who give their lives to do good are the most likely to be imitated.

    【single choice question】in a certain environment, we can see some abnormal situations without thinking. what kind of memory is playing a role

    【single choice question】the main encoding form of long-term memory is

    【multiple-choice question】the retention time of long-term memory is

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about the rules of forgetting

    【 true or false questions】the storage process does not need the participation of the retrieval process.

    【 true or false questions】 forgetting means that the information is no longer in the mind.

    【single choice question】which of the following statements is wrong about memory reconstruction a. the retrieved information is often more accurate than the original encoded information b. the retrieved information is often more complete than the original encoded information c. the retrieved information is often more reasonable than the original encoded information d. the retrieved information is often more meaningful than the originally encoded information

    【multiple-choice question】the case of george franklin suggests that a. people's memories are often inaccurate b. sometimes it is difficult to distinguish reality from imagination c. the greater the impact of events on people, the more accurate the memory d. memory errors are often related to life experiences

    【single choice question】which of the following is true about the capacity of short-term memory a. short term memory can only store about 7 basic units b. chunking can improve the capacity of short-term memory c. there is no limit to the capacity of short-term memory d. the capacity of short-term memory is huge

    【single choice question】which of the following is true about the capacity of short-term memory a. short term memory can only store about 7 basic units b. chunking can improve the capacity of short-term memory c. there is no limit to the capacity of short-term memory d. the capacity of short-term memory is huge

    【 true or false questions】the vivid information people recall cannot be false.

    【 true or false questions】telephone number memory is the memory of telephone number.

    【 true or false questions】rehearsal can transfer short-term memory information into long-term memory.

    【 true or false questions】the information in long-term memory can be retrieved into short-term memory again.

    【single choice question】according to edward thorndike, what was the process of animal problem solving

    【 true or false questions】 animals can understand simple human language to some extent, but animals have no language.

    【 true or false questions】in syllogi reasoning, it is easy to think that the reasoning process with untrustworthy conclusion is wrong.

    【 true or false questions】kahneman and tversky found that people often use heuristic strategies when making judgments.

    【single choice question】the psychologist who thinks motivation comes from drive is

    【single choice question】sensory-specific satiety means

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements can be explained by the drive theory of motivation

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about eating disorders a.excessive diet may lead to eating disorders b.anorexia nervosa patients refuse to eat too much c.patients with anorexia nervosa will be overweight d.people with binge eating disorder are very happy during eating

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about achievement motivation a.people with high achievement motivation are more likely to succeed managers with high achievement motivation will make high achievement c.people with high achievement motivation are willing to take great risks d.people with high achievement motivation will not set obstacles for themselves

    【single choice question】the most influential factor on self-efficacy is a. speech persuasion b. alternative experience c. physiological arousal d. personal success or failure experience

    【true or false questions】people with incremental theory of intelligence are more willing to seek advice from others than those with entity theory of intelligence.

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about the relationship between emotion and need?

    【multiple-choice question】emotional expressions include

    【multiple-choice question】according to james - lange theory of emotion

    【 true or false questions】emotions are not affected by the brain.

    【 true or false questions】human basic emotions are greatly influenced by culture.

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements about the two factor theory of emotion is correct? a. the theory was put forward by schachter and singer b. the theory holds that physiological arousal is necessary for the generation of emotion c. the theory holds that the cognitive assesent of physiological arousal is necessary for the generation of emotion d. the theory holds that the cognitive assesent of physiological arousal is sometimes wrong

    【multiple-choice question】the main form of social support as a resource for coping with stress is a. psychotherapy b. emotion support c. tangible support d. information support

    【single choice question】according to seligman's theory, which component of subjective well-being is related to flow? a. positive emotion b. meaning c. engagement d. interpersonal relationship

    【 true or false questions】 running away is also a way to cope with stress.

    【multiple-choice question】as for the stanford–binet intelligence scale, which of the following statements are true?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about wechsler intelligence scale?

    【multiple-choice question】according to spearman, capabilities include

    【 true or false questions】intelligence is a personality trait.

    【 true or false questions】lewis terman first proposed the concept of iq.

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about successful intelligence? a. successful intelligence is proposed by sternberg b. successful intelligence can have a great influence on success in real life c. successful intelligence includes three factors: ytical intelligence, creative intelligence and practical intelligence d. successful intelligence is based on mathematical and logical abilities

    【multiple-choice question】according to multiple intelligence theory a. eight intelligences constitute one's intelligence b. a person's intelligence is expressed as one or several kinds of intelligence c. different intelligences are independent to some extent d. mathematics and logic intelligence are the most important types of intelligence

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about the reasons for the differences in intelligence among ethnic groups? a. the difference is completely determined by genes b. to some extent, the environment affects the differences c. to some extent, the difference is caused by the cultural bias of intelligence test d. the difference is related to the stereotype threat

    【 true or false questions】robert yerkes thought white people were arter than black people.

    【 true or false questions】genetic factors affect intelligence performance.

    【 true or false questions】 school education cannot improve children's intelligence.

    【single choice question】"attitude decides everything." what characteristics of personality does this sentence reflect?

    【single choice question】the core component of character is

    【multiple-choice question】who contributed to the humori?

    【 true or false questions】the d-k effect shows that people with lower ability are more likely to underestimate their ability.

    【 true or false questions】the type theory of personality has been abandoned by psychologists.

    【multiple-choice question】 the consequences of the american self-esteem movement include a. that american children generally feel good about themselves b. the student achievements are generally inflated c. that students' negative behaviors are connived d. that the students are easy to generate hostility and retaliation in the face of threats

    【 true or false questions】people don't like those who are familiar with each other and are at the top of their peers because of the threat of self-esteem.

    【single choice question】which of the following statements is not true?

    【single choice question】in the following statements about experimental method, the incorrect one is

    【single choice question】which of the following philosophical questions has nothing to do with later psychology?

    【single choice question】when we produce language, we must be able to accurately predict what the other knows and what he can understand. this phenomenon is called

    【single choice question】people sometimes want to eat when they are full, which indicates that part of the motivation of eating behavior comes from

    【single choice question】"there are as many different mentalities as there are different faces their owners each have." which characteristic of personality does this sentence reflect?

    【multiple-choice question】how can consciousness solve the problem of information confusion?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about the critical period?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about information retrieval?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following factors affect speech comprehension?

    【multiple-choice question】the causes of overweight are

    【multiple-choice question】according to walter cannon, the physiological basis participating in fight-or-flight response includes

    【multiple-choice question】what are the stages of general adaptation syndrome?

    【multiple-choice question】who developed the first intelligence test?

    the greater the just noticeable difference, the greater the difference sensitivity.

    compared with controlled processing, automatic processing is more prone to errors.

    during sleep, there will be regular changes in respiration, blood pressure and heart rate.

    if i stay in a room with a stranger when i am very anxious and there is no communication between us, i don't like this stranger for some reason later, because this person is originally very annoying.

    if a child has been bitten by a big dog, he will form a conditioned fear of the big dog. he may also have a fear of the little dog, which is generalization.

    it is difficult to describe the procedural memory in language.

    the information learned earlier interferes with the information learned later, which is called retroactive inhibition.

    only human beings have acquired the mental ability to produce and understand complex grammatical structures through evolution.

    using algorithm strategy, the problem solving speed is faster.

    fritz heider believes that if you attribute the low test scores to your lack of effort, you will work harder next time.

    a bmi of more than 25 means obesity

    among the patients with eating disorders, there are more males.

    when people are exposed repeatedly to some stimuli, they will have a preference for these stimuli.

    in the state of acute stress, female's response is not the same as male's.

    rorschach ink-blot test is a kind of self-report questionnaire based on psychoytic theory.

    【single choice question】which of the following statements is not true?

    【single choice question】in the following statements about experimental method, the incorrect one is

    【single choice question】which of the following philosophical questions has nothing to do with later psychology?

    【single choice question】when we produce language, we must be able to accurately predict what the other knows and what he can understand. this phenomenon is called

    【single choice question】people sometimes want to eat when they are full, which indicates that part of the motivation of eating behavior comes from

    【single choice question】"there are as many different mentalities as there are different faces their owners each have." which characteristic of personality does this sentence reflect?

    【multiple-choice question】how can consciousness solve the problem of information confusion?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about the critical period?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following statements are true about information retrieval?

    【multiple-choice question】which of the following factors affect speech comprehension?

    【multiple-choice question】the causes of overweight are

    【multiple-choice question】according to walter cannon, the physiological basis participating in fight-or-flight response includes

    【multiple-choice question】what are the stages of general adaptation syndrome?

    【multiple-choice question】who developed the first intelligence test?

    the greater the just noticeable difference, the greater the difference sensitivity.

    compared with controlled processing, automatic processing is more prone to errors.

    during sleep, there will be regular changes in respiration, blood pressure and heart rate.

    if i stay in a room with a stranger when i am very anxious and there is no communication between us, i don't like this stranger for some reason later, because this person is originally very annoying.

    if a child has been bitten by a big dog, he will form a conditioned fear of the big dog. he may also have a fear of the little dog, which is generalization.

    it is difficult to describe the procedural memory in language.

    the information learned earlier interferes with the information learned later, which is called retroactive inhibition.

    only human beings have acquired the mental ability to produce and understand complex grammatical structures through evolution.

    using algorithm strategy, the problem solving speed is faster.

    fritz heider believes that if you attribute the low test scores to your lack of effort, you will work harder next time.

    a bmi of more than 25 means obesity

    among the patients with eating disorders, there are more males.

    when people are exposed repeatedly to some stimuli, they will have a preference for these stimuli.

    in the state of acute stress, female's response is not the same as male's.

    rorschach ink-blot test is a kind of self-report questionnaire based on psychoytic theory.



    色彩三要素分别指的是“色相”、“明度”、“ “

    色彩学中三原色分别对应红、黄、蓝;三间色分别对应。 、 、 。

    线条无法表达运动的感觉。( )

    我们的颜色的印象是客观的、固定的。( )

    印象派注重于色彩的真实表现。( )

    西方某些画家根据光色原理对绘画色彩进行了大胆革新,打破了传统绘画的褐色调子,并直接面对自然风景写生.将光色瞬间变幻的效果记录下来。这一绘画流派是 。

    “ 道 ” 是无 与有的统一,这是”道“的特点之一,反映在美学上,可以概括为 、 。

    《老子》 “道”的特点有:


    古典美学最高法则是 、 。 (不要写标点)

    秦始皇陵兵马俑艺术风格整体上可以概括为 。

    秦始皇陵兵马俑的高度大约在 。



    秦汉美术中,兼有绘画与雕刻两种特点的是 与 。

    顾恺之提出了一个重要的美术观点: 。这个观点的提出也导致此后美术的评价标准发生了变化。

    敦煌的艺术在 时期是最大限度的保持印度佛教艺术的原有风格。


    魏晋南北朝的美术主题与汉代相比较,更强调个人的生命情调。( )

    敦煌壁画中,西魏与北魏的作品从内容与艺术表现形式都没有太大区别。( )

    顾恺之的线条,将自战国以来的 “ ”发展到完美无缺的地步,线的力度尤为均匀,犹如“春蚕吐丝,春云浮空”。



    《虢国夫人游春图》画面中的主要人物是虢国夫人,她的位置在画面中 。

    与前朝相比,唐代绘画的艺术特点是 。



    敦煌45窟一共有 尊佛像。(填小写数字)

    宋代的绘画的主要形式是 。

    从 时期之前,画家不被允许在画作上公开署名。

    溪山行旅图体现了北宋的 。

    宋代水墨山水是最重要的美术主题之一,是一种融合了传统的美学精神。体现了宋代文人对宇宙、对生命的哲思。( )

    宋代的绘画题材大都是宫廷绘画风的青山绿水,善用色彩绚丽色彩描绘祖国大好河山。( )

    李唐的山水画善用斧劈皴,而范宽善用 。

    《富春山居图》的作者是 。

    《富春山居图》曾被 死后火殉烧毁。此后,这幅千古名作分为两段,一段名为《无用师卷》存于台湾博物馆,另一段名为《剩山图》存于浙江博物馆。


    在元代文人的社会地位等级非常高。( )


    元四家对于山水画起到了举足轻重的作用,他们四人均是江浙一带人,都擅长水墨山水并兼工竹石,为典型的文人画风格,他们生活在元末社会动乱之际。 元四家是指 、 、王蒙、吴镇。

    名词解释: 院体画(宫廷画、画工画) 文人画

    以下不属于吴门画派的人是 。

    在徐渭所有的绘画形式中,以 最著名?

    以下关于明代的美术,说确的是 。

    创新而多样的寓意是徐渭的大写意花鸟画的特点之一。( )

    《真赏斋图》是明代吴门画派唐寅的作品。( )

    吴门画派由四位成员组成,他们是:沈周、文徴明、 、仇英。

    明末清初,的绘画观念发生变化的直接原因是 。

    清代中期,扬州出现了大量的民间画家,其中最著名的是“扬州八怪”,这些人最主要的特点是 。

    从整个美术史来看,清代画家更讲究 。

    齐白石是典型的文人画家。( )

    金农的绘画受到民间的年画与版画的影响比较大。( )

    八大山人原名 。


    古罗马城市规划与公共建筑的明显特点是 。


    古罗马艺术早期是受到伊特鲁里亚艺术风格的影响。( )

    希腊早期的人像艺术起源于“俑”的概念。( )

    希腊的雕塑艺术可分为三个时期分别是: 、 、 。


    巴黎圣母院是属于西方美术上 风格的建筑?

    圣索菲亚大教堂是属于 风格的建筑艺术,也是迄今为止建筑史上最为杰出的成就之一。

    属于哥特式大教堂成熟的标志是 ?



    文艺复兴艺术家布鲁内莱斯基不仅仅是透视学的发明者,而且是文艺复兴建筑的创始人。他最富盛名的成就是建造 的大圆顶,这是一项天才的工程技艺。(填写某教堂名称)

    15世纪时期,佛罗伦萨画派其中一位画家非常特别,他以古希腊神话作为主要的创作题材,并且画风极为优美,这位艺术家是 。

    下列不属于威尼斯文艺复兴的画家是 。


    威尼斯文艺复兴时期的提香在色彩上做出了巨大的贡献。( )


    文艺复兴艺术家 不仅仅是透视学的发明者,而且是文艺复兴建筑的创始人。他最富盛名的成就是建造 的大圆顶,这是一项天才的工程技艺。

    画家鲁本斯是欧洲美术史上 美术风格的代表人物?


    欧洲巴洛克风格产生的原因是 。




    油画《教皇英诺森十世像》是19世纪 (填写名称)画家委拉斯贵兹的作品。

    十九世纪 流派的艺术家用批判的方式表现社会的弊端。

    法国近代绘画史上最受爱戴的画家,他以农民生活为题材,他那淳朴亲切的艺术语言,尤其是被广国农民所喜爱。这位画家是 。

    古典主义的主要特征是 。

    浪漫主义是注重造型而轻色彩的表现。( )

    欧洲19世纪新古典主义的艺术运动是为表现法国大革命的爱国主义和革命英雄主义精神而展开的。( )

    19世纪的“新古典主义”绘画中,画家 (填写中文姓名)的作品题材与政治联系最紧密,他的代表作品是《马拉之死》。

    洛可可艺术风格是一段艺术时期,一般指 世纪的欧洲美术。

    不属于洛可可艺术风格的代表画家有 。


    巴洛克艺术风格主要体现在建筑的外部形式,洛可可艺术风格主要体现在建筑内部的装饰风格。( )

    巴洛克与洛可可既有共同点,也有不同点。( )

    欧洲巴洛克美术发源于意大利,洛可可美术发源于 。(填写名称)

    塞尚、梵高、高更被公认为是现代主义最重要的启示者,其中塞尚是 。

    塞尚的作品对于现代主义的 起到了重要的作用。


    印象派是指一种非常科学的、依靠色彩学为理论基础的作画方式。( )

    梵高的绘画风格曾经受到来自于日本的浮世绘艺术的影响。( )

    19世纪下半叶兴起的“印象主义”,是一个注重艺术语言自身表现力而又富于现实主义艺术精神的流派,以 为先导;莫奈为典型画家,并因他的典型作品《日出·印象》而得名。(填写画家的中文姓名)

    西方美术自 开始分化形式,此后产生了诸如野兽主义、达达主义等艺术流派。

    康定斯基《论艺术的精神》著作中,反复强调了 在艺术中是不必要出现,甚至是有害的。

    下列哪个是现代主义艺术的特征 。

    “拼贴法”也就是从卡纸或其他媒介上剪下图形,贴在画面上,与画面上的图像共同构成一个主题。这种方式是1912年,毕加索发明的。( )

    超现实主义作品是受到20世纪初期克林伯格的理论的影响。( )

    1908年,以 为代表的一群青年画家推出了“立体主义“绘画。(填写艺术家中文姓名)

    现藏于台北故宫博物院的《溪山行旅途》是北宋画家 的代表作品。



    秦汉时期,最能反映封建社会上升时期,统一多民族的精神面貌的艺术,被誉为世界第八大奇迹的是 。


    从 时期之前,画家被允许在画作上公开署名。

    明代文人画最兴盛的地区位于 。

    明代将写意花鸟画发展到顶峰的画家是 。

    古希腊时期的核心建筑帕台农神庙采用了 ,正面有8根,两侧各有17根柱子。

    绘画从中世纪到文艺复兴的转变是从 的作品开始的,他被西方人成为“欧洲绘画之父”。

    文艺复兴艺术家布鲁内莱斯基不仅仅是透视学的发明者,而且是文艺复兴建筑的创始人。他最富盛名的成就是建造 的大圆顶,这是一项天才的工程技艺。

    绘画中的渐隐法是 发明的。


    17世纪意大利巴洛克最著名的画家 提出为了真实可以牺牲美,同时他一是第一位将光影作为创作的因素带入到绘画中。

    油画《宫娥》是19世纪 国画家委拉斯贵兹的作品。

    绘画中把物体变成几何体的概念是 提出来的。

    马蒂斯是20世纪初法国 艺术的代表人

    超现实主义作品是受到20世纪初期 的理论的影响。

    绘画从中世纪到文艺复兴的转变是以 为主要的艺术思潮。

    下列不属于绘画形式的是 。

    绘画作品的形式因素包括 。

    北宋三大名画分别是: 、 、 。

    以下不属于“元四家”的人是 。

    以下属于吴门画派的人是 。

    以下选项属于哥特式大教堂成熟的标志是 ?



    油画《呐喊》出自 的 之手。


    下列选项,属于希腊雕塑艺术特征的有 。


    下列选项,属于后印象派画家的是 。


    色彩学中复色可以有无穷多种。( )

    西方人强调天人统一,绘画要求达到物我两忘的境界。( )

    在艺术的起源说上,有人认为原始艺术的产生与巫术有密切联系。( )

    早期的人像与“伟大”与“纪念性”相关。( )

    北魏时期的敦煌壁画表现形式主要以饱和度很高的平涂色彩构成。( )

    唐代的敦煌壁画主题大都是故事。( )

    唐代敦煌彩塑的造型是结合了人的面部特点,呈现出世俗化的特征。( )


    通常“文人画”多取材于山水、花鸟、梅兰竹菊和木石等,借以发抒“性灵”或个人抱负,间亦寓有对民族压迫或对腐朽政治的愤懑之情。( )


    郎世宁是清代最具代表的文人画家。( )

    清代著名的“扬州八怪”中不包括郑板桥。( )

    古埃及文化深深地受到了希腊文化庄严、肃穆和雄伟气势的影响。( )

    古典主义注重于色彩的表现。( )

    现实主义注重造型方面的变现而忽视色彩的主观表达。( )



    梵高的绘画风格曾经受到来自于日本的浮世绘艺术的影响。( )

    印象派的画作的特点是依靠色彩的冷暖变化来表现环境和事物。( )

    顾恺之的线条,将自战国以来的 “高古游丝描 ”发展到完美无缺的地步,线的力度尤为均匀,犹如“春蚕吐丝,春云浮空”。

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