







    the charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. the enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.” conversation is not for making a point.









































    he fought back at his tormentors with ________ of a corner red rat.

    he monopolized the conversation by ________ of his own prowess at hunting and fishing.

    it was alleged that he was present at the scene of the crime, but he ________ that he was in europe at the time.

    it has become the ________ for royalty to appear as democratic and “ folksy” as the average politician.

    the ________ between guelphs and ghibellines in medieval italy passed from controversy over papal authority to petty was between city states.

    he was too nervous to speak and had to be ________ .

    australia ________ the treaty of peace with japan on 10th april, 1952; new zealand on 29th april, 1952.

    he is a poet with ________ imagination.

    ________ clodhoppers guffawed at seeing male ballet dancers wearing tights.

    the primary objective of financial accounting is__________.

    the accounting assumption that requires every business to be accounted for separately from other business entities, including its owner or owners is known as the___________.

    the rule that requires financial statements to reflect the assumption that the business will continue operating instead of being closed or sold, unless evidence shows that it will not continue, is the____________.

    the accounting principle that requires accounting information to be based on actual cost and requires assets and services to be recorded initially at the cash or cash-equivalent amount given in exchange, is the__________.

    creditors' claims on the assets of a company are called____________.

    the difference between a company's assets and its liabilities, or net assets is____________.

    if a parcel of land that was originally purchased for $85,000 is offered for sale at $150,000, is assessed for tax purposes at $95,000, is recognized by its purchasers as easily being worth $140,000, and is sold for $137,000. what is the effect of the sale on the accounting equation for the seller?

    net income__________.

    decreases in equity that represent costs of assets or services used to earn revenues are called_________.

    the statement of owner's equity_______________.

    the financial statement that shows the beginning balance of owner's equity; the changes in equity that resulted from new investments by the owner, net income (or net loss); withdrawals; and the ending balance, is the_____________.

    a balance sheet lists_______________.

    the statement of cash flows reports all of the following except_____________.

    to include the personal assets and transactions of a business's owner in the records and reports of the business would be in conflict with the___________.

    accounting is an information and measurement system that identifies, records, and communicates relevant, reliable, and comparable information about an organization's business activities.

    managerial accounting is the area of accounting that provides internal reports to assist the decision making needs of internal users.

    external auditors examine financial statements to verify that they are prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles.

    internal users include lenders, shareholders, brokers and managers.

    opportunities in accounting include auditing, consulting, market research, and tax planning.

    the financial accounting standards board is the private group that sets both broad and specific accounting principles.

    generally accepted accounting principles are the basic assumptions, concepts, and guidelines for preparing financial statements.

    as a general rule, revenues should not be recognized in the accounting records until it is received in cash.

    assets are the resources of a company and are expected to yield future benefits.

    liabilities are the owner's claim on assets.

    owner's investments are increases in equity from a company's earnings activities.

    owner's equity is increased when cash is received from customers in payment of previously recorded accounts receivable.

    an owner's investment in a business always creates an asset (cash), a liability (note payable), and owner's equity (investment).

    every business transaction leaves the accounting equation in balance.

    the income statement displays revenues earned and expenses incurred over a specified period of time due to earnings activities.

    ending capital reported on the statement of owner’s equity is calculated by adding owner investments and net losses and subtracting net incomes and withdrawals.

    the balance sheet shows a company’s net income or loss due to earnings activities over a period of time.

    a balance sheet covers a period of time such as a month or year.

    the balance sheet is based on the accounting equation.

    the three major types of business activities are operating, financing, and investing.

    the four basic financial statements include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of owner's equity, and statement of cash flows.

    the statement of cash flows identifies cash flows separated into operating, investing, and financing activities over a period of time.

    the ________________ assumption states that transactions and events are expressed in money units.

    ________________ activities involve the acquisition and disposal of resources that an organization uses to acquire and sell its products or services.

    ________________ activities are the means organizations use to pay for resources such as land, building, and equipment.

    ________________________________ reports changes in the owner's claim on the business's assets over a period of time.

    ____________ are the increases in equity from a company's earnings activities.

    the accounting equation is ______________________________.

    assets removed from the business by the business owner for personal use are called ____________.

    the term ___________ refers to a liability that promises a future outflow of resources.

    ______________ activities involve using resources to research, develop, purchase, produce, distribute, and market products and services.

    the primary objective of financial accounting is__________.

    the accounting assumption that requires every business to be accounted for separately from other business entities, including its owner or owners is known as the___________.

    the rule that requires financial statements to reflect the assumption that the business will continue operating instead of being closed or sold, unless evidence shows that it will not continue, is the____________.

    the accounting principle that requires accounting information to be based on actual cost and requires assets and services to be recorded initially at the cash or cash-equivalent amount given in exchange, is the__________.

    creditors' claims on the assets of a company are called____________.

    the difference between a company's assets and its liabilities, or net assets is____________.

    if a parcel of land that was originally purchased for $85,000 is offered for sale at $150,000, is assessed for tax purposes at $95,000, is recognized by its purchasers as easily being worth $140,000, and is sold for $137,000. what is the effect of the sale on the accounting equation for the seller?

    net income__________.

    decreases in equity that represent costs of assets or services used to earn revenues are called_________.

    the statement of owner's equity_______________.

    the financial statement that shows the beginning balance of owner's equity; the changes in equity that resulted from new investments by the owner, net income (or net loss); withdrawals; and the ending balance, is the_____________.

    a balance sheet lists_______________.

    the statement of cash flows reports all of the following except_____________.

    to include the personal assets and transactions of a business's owner in the records and reports of the business would be in conflict with the___________.

    accounting is an information and measurement system that identifies, records, and communicates relevant, reliable, and comparable information about an organization's business activities.

    managerial accounting is the area of accounting that provides internal reports to assist the decision making needs of internal users.

    external auditors examine financial statements to verify that they are prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles.

    internal users include lenders, shareholders, brokers and managers.

    opportunities in accounting include auditing, consulting, market research, and tax planning.

    the financial accounting standards board is the private group that sets both broad and specific accounting principles.

    generally accepted accounting principles are the basic assumptions, concepts, and guidelines for preparing financial statements.

    as a general rule, revenues should not be recognized in the accounting records until it is received in cash.

    assets are the resources of a company and are expected to yield future benefits.

    liabilities are the owner's claim on assets.

    owner's investments are increases in equity from a company's earnings activities.

    owner's equity is increased when cash is received from customers in payment of previously recorded accounts receivable.

    an owner's investment in a business always creates an asset (cash), a liability (note payable), and owner's equity (investment).

    every business transaction leaves the accounting equation in balance.

    the income statement displays revenues earned and expenses incurred over a specified period of time due to earnings activities.

    ending capital reported on the statement of owner’s equity is calculated by adding owner investments and net losses and subtracting net incomes and withdrawals.

    the balance sheet shows a company’s net income or loss due to earnings activities over a period of time.

    a balance sheet covers a period of time such as a month or year.

    the balance sheet is based on the accounting equation.

    the three major types of business activities are operating, financing, and investing.

    the four basic financial statements include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of owner's equity, and statement of cash flows.

    the statement of cash flows identifies cash flows separated into operating, investing, and financing activities over a period of time.

    the ________________ assumption states that transactions and events are expressed in money units.

    ________________ activities involve the acquisition and disposal of resources that an organization uses to acquire and sell its products or services.

    ________________ activities are the means organizations use to pay for resources such as land, building, and equipment.

    ________________________________ reports changes in the owner's claim on the business's assets over a period of time.

    ____________ are the increases in equity from a company's earnings activities.

    the accounting equation is ______________________________.

    assets removed from the business by the business owner for personal use are called ____________.

    the term ___________ refers to a liability that promises a future outflow of resources.

    ______________ activities involve using resources to research, develop, purchase, produce, distribute, and market products and services.

    an account used to record the owner's investments in the business is called a(n)__________.

    an asset created by prepayment of an expense is____________.

    an accountant has debited an account for $3,500 and credited a liability account for $2,000. which of the following would be an incorrect way to complete the recording of this transaction_____________.

    a $130 credit to office equipment was credited to fees earned by mistake. by what amounts are the accounts under- or overstated as a result of this error?

    a credit entry_______________.

    if tim jones, the owner of jones hardware proprietorship, uses cash of the business to purchase a family automobile, the business should record this use of cash with an entry to____________.

    the following transactions occurred during july___________: (1) received $900 cash for services provided to a customer during july. (2) received $2,200 cash investment from barbara hanson, the owner of the business. (3) received $750 from a customer in partial payment of his account receivable which arose from sales in june. (4) provided services to a customer on credit, $375. (5) borrowed $6,000 from the bank by signing a promissory note. (6) received $1,250 cash from a customer for services to be rendered next year. what was the amount of revenue for july?

    the general journal provides a place for recording all of the following except____________.

    the process of transferring general journal information to the ledger is___________.

    a balance column ledger account is____________.

    which financial statement reports an organization’s financial position at a point in time?

    preparation of a trial balance is the first step in the yzing and recording process.

    an account is a record of increases and decreases in a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense item.

    when a company provides services for which cash will not be received until some future date, the company should record the amount charged as unearned revenue.

    in a double-entry accounting system, the total amount debited must always equal the total amount credited.

    debits increase asset and expense accounts.

    crediting an expense account decreases it.

    a revenue account normally has a debit balance.

    accounts are normally decreased by debits.

    the owner's withdrawal account normally has a credit balance since it is an equity account.

    the journal is known as a book of original entry.

    a journal gives a complete record of each transaction in one place, and shows the debits and credits for each transaction.

    the journal is known as the book of final entry because financial statements are prepared from it.

    posting is the transfer of journal entry information to the ledger.

    the trial balance is a list of all general ledger accounts and their balances at a point in time.

    generally, the ordering of accounts in a trial balance typically follows their identification number from the chart of accounts, that is, assets first, then liabilities, then owner's capital and withdrawals, followed by revenues and expenses.

    the heading on each financial statement lists the three w's – who (the name of the organization); what (the name of the statement); and where (the organization's address).

    an income statement reports the revenues earned less expenses incurred by a business over a period of time.

    both u.s. gaap and ifrs prepare the same four basic financial statements.

    the broad principle that requires expenses to be reported in the same period as the revenues that were earned as a result of the expenses is the:

    the approach to preparing financial statements based on recognizing revenues when they are earned and matching expenses to those revenues is:

    on june 30 apricot co. paid $7,500 cash for management services to be performed over a two-year period. apricot follows a policy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. on june 30 apricot should record:

    on june 30 of the current calendar year, apricot co. paid $7,500 cash for management services to be performed over a two-year period. apricot follows a policy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. the adjusting entry on december 31 for apricot would include:

    assuming prepaid expenses are originally recorded in balance sheet accounts, the adjusting entry to record use of a prepaid expense is:

    if a company mistakenly forgot to record depreciation on office equipment at the end of an accounting period, the financial statements prepared at that time would show:

    the periodic expense created by allocating the cost of plant and equipment to the periods in which they are used, representing the expense of using the assets, is called:

    unearned revenue is reported in the financial statements as:

    incurred but unpaid expenses that are recorded during the adjusting process with a debit to an expense and a credit to a liability are:

    the adjusting entry to record an accrued expense is:

    the adjusting entry to record an accrued revenue is:

    a trial balance prepared after adjustments have been recorded is called a(n) :

    a balance sheet that places the assets above the liabilities and equity is called a(n):

    a balance sheet that places the liabilities and equity to the right of the assets is a(n):

    a trial balance prepared before any adjustments have been recorded is:

    financial statements are typically prepared in the following order:

    which of the following statements in incorrect:

    two main accounting principles used in accrual accounting are matching and full closure.

    the matching principle does not aim to record expenses in the same accounting period as the revenue earned as a result of these expenses.

    the revenue recognition principle is the basis for making adjusting entries that pertain to unearned and accrued revenues.

    the cash basis of accounting commonly results in financial statements that are less comparable from period to period than the accrual basis of accounting.

    under the accrual basis of accounting, adjustments are often made for prepaid expenses and unearned revenues.

    accumulated depreciation is shown on the balance sheet as a subtraction from the cost of its related asset.

    depreciation expense for a period is the portion of a plant asset's cost that is allocated to that period.

    depreciation measures the decline in market value of an asset.

    since the revenue recognition principle requires that revenues be recorded when earned, there are no unearned revenues in accrual accounting.

    the entry to record a cash receipt from a customer when the service to be provided has not yet been performed involves a debit to an unearned revenue account.

    costs incurred during an accounting period but unpaid and unrecorded are accrued expenses.

    accrued expenses reflect transactions where cash is paid before a related expense is recognized.

    a salary owed to employees is an example of an accrued expense.

    in accrual accounting, accrued revenues are recorded as liabilities.

    the adjusted trial balance must be prepared before the adjusting entries are made.

    an unadjusted trial balance is a list of accounts and balances prepared before adjustments are recorded.

    financial statements can be prepared directly from the information in the adjusted trial balance.

    adjusting entries are made after the preparation of financial statements.

    prior to recording adjusting entries at the end of an accounting period, some accounts may not show proper financial statement amounts even though all transactions were correctly recorded.

    which of the following is the usual final step in the accounting cycle?

    the recurring steps performed each reporting period, starting with yzing and recording transactions in the journal and continuing through the post-closing trial balance, is referred to as the

    when closing entries are made

    revenues, expenses, and withdrawals accounts, which are closed at the end of each accounting period is

    a classified balance sheet

    the assets section of a classified balance sheet usually includes

    the usual order for the asset section of a classified balance sheet is

    a classified balance sheet differs from an unclassified balance sheet in that

    stride along has total assets of $425 million. its total liabilities are $110 million. its equity is $315 million. calculate the debt ratio.

    the inventory turnover ratio:

    a total asset turnover ratio of 3.5 indicates that

    based on the following information from raptor company’s balance sheet, calculate the current ratio. current assets $ 87,000 investments 50,000 plant assets 250,000 current liabilities 39,000 long-term liabilities 90,000 raptor, capital 258,000

    fastlane has net income of $18,955, and assets at the beginning of the year of $200,000. assets at the end of the year total $246,000. compute its return on assets.

    the first step in the accounting cycle is to yze transactions and events to prepare for journalizing.

    the accounting cycle refers to the sequence of steps in preparing the work sheet.

    the first five steps in the accounting cycle include yzing transactions, journalizing, posting, preparing an unadjusted trial balance, and recording adjusting entries.

    the last four steps in the accounting cycle include preparing the adjusted trial balance, preparing financial statements and recording closing and adjusting entries.

    closing entries are designed to transfer the end-of-period balances in the revenue accounts, the expense accounts, and the withdrawals account to owner's capital.

    the income summary account is a permanent account that will be carried forward period after period.

    closing entries are necessary so that owner's capital will begin each period with a zero balance.

    permanent accounts carry their balances into the next accounting period. moreover, asset, liability and revenue accounts are not closed as long as a company continues in business.

    a classified balance sheet organizes assets and liabilities into important subgroups that provide more information to decision makers.

    an unclassified balance sheet provides more information to users than a classified balance sheet.

    the primary objective of financial accounting is:

    if a building that was originally purchased for $85,000 is offered for sale at $150,000, is assessed for tax purposes at $95,000, is recognized by its purchasers as easily being worth $130,000, and is sold for $157,000. what is the effect of the sale on the accounting equation for the seller?

    an asset created by prepayment of an expense is:

    if david jones, the owner of jones hardware proprietorship, uses cash of the business to purchase a family automobile, the business should record this use of cash with an entry to:

    a balance column ledger account is:

    the recurring steps performed each reporting period, starting with yzing and recording transactions in the journal and continuing through the post-closing trial balance, is referred to as the:

    if a company mistakenly forgot to record depreciation on office equipment at the end of an accounting period, the financial statements prepared at that time would show:

    the adjusting entry to record an accrued expense is:

    the adjusting entry to record an accrued revenue is:

    the usual order for the asset section of a classified balance sheet is:

    accounting is an information and measurement system that identifies, records, and communicates relevant, reliable, and comparable information about an organization's business activities.

    the financial accounting standards board is the private group that sets both broad and specific accounting principles.

    as a general rule, revenues should not be recognized in the accounting records until it is received in cash.

    assets are the resources of a company and are expected to yield future benefits.

    an owner's investment in a business always creates an asset (cash), a liability (note payable), and owner's equity (investment.)

    the income statement displays revenues earned and expenses incurred over a specified period of time due to earnings activities.

    the balance sheet shows a company’s net income or loss due to earnings activities over a period of time.

    preparation of a trial balance is the first step in the yzing and recording process.

    when a company provides services for which cash will not be received until some future date, the company should record the amount charged as unearned revenue.

    the journal is known as a book of original entry.

    accrued revenues at the end of one accounting period are expected to result in cash payments in a future period.

    an unadjusted trial balance is a list of accounts and balances prepared before adjustments are recorded.

    closing entries are designed to transfer the end-of-period balances in the revenue accounts, the expense accounts, and the withdrawals account to owner's capital.

    permanent accounts carry their balances into the next accounting period. moreover, asset, liability and revenue accounts are not closed as long as a company continues in business.

    which of the following is not the identity of william shakespeare?

    in 1953, winston churchill was awarded the nobel prize in ________.

    the parents’ generation lived in an era of constraints, restraints and________.

    how do young people today handle relationships with the opposite sex?

    which of the following is not an example of simile?

    bertrand russell is a (an) ______ philosopher, mathematician and writer.

    which of the following is not the author’s description of love?

    which of the following is not mentioned when the author describes her countless crushes in school?

    which of the following is not used to describe a mature love relationship?

    which of the following is used to describe the younger generation?

    some of the old _____ about the space age are coming true.

    she cut her hair short and tried to _____ herself as a man.

    the student could not _____ what the teacher was trying to explain.

    he ran so fast that he was out of _____.

    tibet, the second largest province of china, is _____ in uranium and underground thermal power.

    the young couple were quite excited by the _____ of having their first child.

    so many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of _____.

    christmas is a christian holy day celebrated on december 25th _____ the birth of jesus christ.

    your _____ is the round of things that you usually do each day.

    to our delight, she quickly _____ herself to the new situation.

    the manager gave the salesgirl an accusing look for her _____ attitude toward customers.

    with the joint effort of everyone, the plan is _____ to succeed.

    the _____ arrival of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.

    the youngest child is thoroughly _____ because they always give him whatever he wants.

    nancy was surprised that they have _____, because they seemed to be a happy couple.

    love to some is like a _____. to some as strong as steel.

    the course of true love never did run ______.

    to fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts _____.

    given the busy nature of our lives, it is to be _________ that we even find the time to indulge in matters of the heart.

    where does the family start? it starts with a young man falling in love with a girl—no superior _______ has yet been found.

    it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. it is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the _______.

    she is one of the most ____(having great importane) figures in local politics.

    the professor’s theory is ____(based) on the results of his experiments.

    she seemed to ____(enjoy) our suffering.

    the party had to ____(come to an end) because of a sudden power cut.

    the two paintings are quite similar. i can’t ____(recognize differences) between the original and the fake.

    the president failed to fulfill his ____ to his voters and failed in his second term

    he ____ the map and tried to find out which way to go.

    their relationship ____ since their graduation to two different cities.

    friends are forever comforts. _____ i go, their care follows.

    could you give the ____ of this word in a brief way?

    the _____ for the relationship between the young is believed to be pleasure.

    “when we approach the notion of friendship, our first problem is that…” (para. 1),here “notion” means ______.

    when speaking of “friendship based on utility”,aristotle believed this kind of friendship was _____.

    after careful exam, the expert claimed that this painting was _____.

    the government has very strict rules _____ the use of chemicals in food.

    i’ll borrow ______ tent you are not using now.

    as the saying _____, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

    today’s culture is ______ “fast food culture”, in which people pursue the greatest satisfaction within the shortest time.

    o henry is a famous novelist who is known for the ____ ending in his short stories.

    the two images in after twenty years impress the readers deeply due to o henry’s great effort in describing people’s _____.

    which of the following is not o. henry’s representative work?

    he was ____ arrest when drugs were found in his bag at the customs.

    which of the following explains jimmy, the policeman in after twenty years, would not arrest his friend in person?

    ancient scholars classified friendship into three types, respectively they are friendship based on utility, on pleasure and on goodness.

    friendship based on goodness is rare because it requires time and intimacy.

    only those who prove themselves worthy of love and trust to each other can become good friends.

    cicero believed that only those who are not greedy, who are pure and who are brave can be good friends.

    a friend is like a mirror from which you can know yourself better.

    the moral excellence of friendship involves self-development in sympathy, concern and care.

    friendship based on utility often happens between the old because they need to develop each other.

    according to the author, friendship based on pleasure is easy to _______.

    “goodness” in the text can be understood as ______.

    both aristotle and cicero believed that genuine friendship only happened between ______.

    from the perspective of writing, this article takes ______ as a major way to present different classic views on friendship.

    virtuous friends are bound by _______________, which involves a high level of development and expression of the altruistic emotions of sympathy, concern and care.

    according to cicero, in true friendship, those who possess any superiority must regard themselves as ______ of those who are less fortunate.

    how did hitler view german athletes during the 1936 olympic games held in berlin?

    which event was owens expected to win easily?

    which of the following might not be used to describe luz long?

    why did everyone expect owens to win the olympic event?

    where did the 1936 summer olympic games held?

    “something must be eating you” means:

    “take pains” means:

    which of the following is not the description of pierre de couberlin?

    to what did owens compare his friendship with long?

    which of the following is not the olympic spirit revealed by luz long?

    the professor paused to consult his notes, and then ________ to ask us some more questions.

    in order to win in the school track and field meeting, he __________ himself to practice running every day.

    their team failed to _______ for the world cup even though they had trained like crazy.

    in the race he will ________ against world-class runners, which is a real challenge to him.

    the tourists were___ by a guide when they were visiting the great wall.

    the captain ___ the passengers about the strength.

    in a few moments the vinegar will __ and so will your odors(气味).

    he got rather drunk and made a ___ of himself .

    successful are those who are willing to take ___ to work hard.

    ben franklin was one of the ___ of the american republic.

    he failed to _______ a new record, but it was a good attempt.

    the dollar fell to within a hair's breadth of its ___ low.

    the party ___ to be very successful.

    the ___of studying music can help children develop good work habits

    jesse owens was a ______ athlete from america.

    when the time came for the broad-jump trials, jesse was surprised to see luz, because _________ had luz under wraps.

    jesse made several mistakes during the trials, because he was ________ at the master race theory.

    luz long himself didn’t believe in the ___________ business.

    luz long was the perfect example of the olympic _________.

    jesse owens and luz long became lifelong ________ during the 1936 olympic games.

    which quote is said by francis bacon?

    you should ______ yourself with the social norms in the states before you go there to further your education .

    i want to live in a community where it is free from ______.

    the police are ______ to the public for detailed information about the murderer.

    the car that had been following ours suddenly ______ and overtook us.

    it is morally improper to ______ jason because he is mentally retarded.

    i often buy ______ food. they may not be fresh, but it’s really time-saving.

    in the past three years, she stayed at home taking care of her baby. she is hoping to ______ her career soon.

    he ______ such bad habits as oking and drinking when he was fifteen, and now it is hard for him to get rid of them.

    behavioural scientists long attributed such differences ______ personal eccentricities or early conditioning.

    his total ______ of the subject is truly surprising. how come he knows nothing about it?

    if one child gets sick with chicken-pox, the rest of the children in the same kindergarten will be exposed to the danger of being ______.

    he almost failed the math exam, but his twin brother by ______, did very well.

    the doctors in the hospital have ______ the cause of his illness to an unknown virus.

    the letter was full of ______ and she decided to show it to the police.

    james took the books off the little shelf to make room ______ the new photo frame.

    the government is appealing ______ everyone to save water.

    she racked her brain to think out how to ______ her health.

    nowadays people still hold strong prejudice ______ unmarried mothers.

    i was impressed by the ______ with which she handled crisis.

    let’s take full ______ of the sports facilities in our college while we are studying here.

    mountain-climbing is not quite suitable for old people because it is ______ demanding.

    in this way, what we actually do ______ with our body’s natural rhythm and we achieve our best as predicted.

    it is the hospital’s policy to ______ any patient who is suffering from an infectious disease.

    ____ scientists long attributed such differences to personal eccentricities or early conditioning.

    ____ patterns can be made to work for you.

    you have to coordinate the demands of your activities with your ____ capacities.

    ____ should be your largest meal of the day for effective dieting.

    once you have familiarized yourself with your patterns, you can take advantage of ____ techniques to improve your health and productivity.

    ____ in sleep and waking times is the greatest cause of sleep problems.

    在声音弹性单一要素对比训练中,声音高与低的变化主要表现为( )的变化。

    在声音弹性对比训练中,实与虚的变化表现为声音音色的明暗变化,它是由( )开闭状态不同造成的。


    声音弹性的表现有如下特点( )。

    获得声音弹性的必要条件( )。



    声音的弹性是指声音随感情变化而来的可变性和 。

    加强声音的对比训练是提高声音弹性和丰富声音色彩的有效办法。声音弹性对比训练包括:高与低、强与弱、快与慢、 、刚与柔、纵与收、厚与薄、明与暗。


    腹壁站定状态是指随吸气运动,上腹随两肋打开,稍有( )。

    广播电视艺术语言发声采用有控制的方法是( )。

    “狗喘气”这种锻炼方法是针对( )进行的训练。

    在胸腹联合式呼吸的实际运用中,吸气与呼气的配合有哪几种方式。( )

    换气的基本方法有( )。

    腹式呼吸法又称锁骨式呼吸法。( )

    情感和表达需要时,不顾及有没有杂音,明抢气口的换气方法为“就气”。( )

    胸腹联合式呼吸法的呼吸原理包含气压差原理和 原理。

    掌握胸腹联合式呼吸法,关键在于抓住符合要领的实际感觉。胸腹联合式呼吸法的吸气要领为:吸到肺底, ,腹壁“站定”。


    播音员清晰的吐字是建立在( )的基础上的。

    从吐字归音的角度来看,( )部分在音节中口腔开度最大,泛音共鸣最丰富,声音听起来最响亮圆润。


    口腔控制训练中,“打开口腔”是通过以下哪些过程来实现的?( )

    在吐字归音过程中对字腹的处理要求是( )。

    吐字归音过程中对字尾的处理叫做归音。( )

    在有声语言艺术发声过程中,声音的发出路线应该沿软腭、硬腭的中纵线推到硬腭的前部,这条中纵线,就是声音发出的路线。硬腭的前部就是字音着力的位置。( )

    咬字器官力量的集中主要表现在唇和__ _ 上。



    我们的喉部是由软骨支架、肌肉韧带和什么构成?( )

    位于喉部下端,由两片韧带薄膜构成,通过气流振动能产生喉原音的重要发声器官叫做( )。

    以下哪一项是扩展音高的训练方法?( )

    播音发声喉部控制训练的要领有( )。

    在播音发声中,为什么要学习喉部控制( )。

    喉部又可以成为嗓子。( )

    播音用声过实、过虚超出了语言表达需要的范围和程度等等都会影像播音质量的提高,甚至影响喉部的发音能力,缩短播音寿命。( )









    良好的口腔共鸣可以使声音明亮结实、圆润动听。我们在发音时可以运用收紧双唇,使双唇贴近上下齿的方法,来提亮声音音色。可以通过嘴角微微上抬,让音色变得积极而动听。( )

    播音发声以胸腔共鸣为主,以口腔共鸣为基础。( )






    零件图的尺寸标注要求是( )。

    技术要求是零件在制造、质检时应达到的各项技术指标,下列( )不属于零件图上应注写的技术要求。

    螺纹的要素有牙形、( )、线数、导程与螺距、旋向。

    一对相互啮合的圆柱齿轮,它们的( )和( )必须相同。

    键通常用来连接轴和装在轴上的( ),起到传递扭矩的作用。

    滚动轴承代号6212中6表示滚动轴承类型为( ),12表示轴承内径为( )。

    圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧支承圈有1.5圈、( )圈和( )圈三种。

    表示产品及其组成部分的( )的图样,称为装配图。

    球阀是阀类的一种,主要在管道中起( )的作用。

    在产品仿造、维修中,需根据现有零件,通过( )手段画出零件草图。











    以d为宫音时,角音为( )

    下面不属于g宫同宫系统的调是( )

    g宫和g徵属于( )

    填加了变徵和变宫的七声调式属于( )

    同宫调式系统各调采用的是( )的调号.

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