






    高层管理者最重要的管理技能是( )

    管理的目的是实现( )

    管理的基本职能有计划、组织、( )和控制

    管理( )唯一正确的答案





    高层管理者最重要的管理技能是( )

    管理的目的是实现( )

    管理的基本职能有计划、组织、( )和控制

    管理( )唯一正确的答案

    某企业有一个不成文的惯例:新分配来的大学毕业生都必须到最艰苦的部门进行两年左右的“锻炼”,用严格的监督和控制手段,迫使他们在工作中较快的进入角色。你认为该企业的做法是基于哪种理论?( )

    对经营与管理进行明确界定的管理学家是( )。

    下面哪个学派主张用数学方法来分析和表述管理?( )

    “没有一成不变、普遍适用的最佳管理理论与方法”是哪个学派的主张?( )

    科学管理的主要目的是提高( )

    基于“霍桑实验”的人际关系学认为企业中存在着( )组织




    计划是管理的( )职能

    组织战略一般分为公司层战略、事业层战略和( )层战略

    目标管理最先由管理彼得•德鲁克提出,一般简称为( )

    某厂生产一种产品,其总固定成本为200000,单位产品变动成本为10元,产品销售价格为15元。该厂盈亏平衡点的产量应为( )件。

    针对欧家对我国纺织品的配额限制,某公司决定在北非投资设立子公司,这种决策属于( )。

    决策树适合下列哪种类型的决策( )。

    根据经营单位组合分析法,将高市场占有率,低销售增长率的产品称为( )产品。

    管理的重心在经营,经营的重心在( )。

    期望值就是在不同的自然状态下( )期望达到的数值。

    根据决策专家西蒙的有限理性决策模型,决策时一般遵循( )原则。




    组织具有三个特征:目标、人员和( )

    当组织规模一定时,管理幅度与管理层次之间呈( )关系

    要正确发挥参谋的作用,首先要明确( )关系

    扁平式组织结构的优点之一是信息传递速度( )

    以直线为基础,在各级行政领导之下设置相应的职能部门从事专业管理的组织结构形式是( )

    下列哪类组织最适合采用矩阵制组织结构( )?

    事业部制有三个中心,其中事业部是( )

    企业集团由( )、紧密层、半紧密层和松散层等四个层次构成

    事业部制是一种( )权的组织模式

    团队的构成要素可归纳为( )

    有些领导从某一职位退下来后,常抱怨“人走茶凉”,这反映了他们在位时,在组织中拥有的权力更多的是( )

    管理方格图中,1.9型对应的是哪种领导方式( )?

    按照菲德勒权变理论,在最为有利和最为不利的领导情境下,采取( )型的领导方式较好

    当某一下属学识和经验较强,但不愿承担工作责任时,领导最好采取( )领导方式

    领导的本质是( )

    领导生命周期理论,是基于下属( )的权变领导理论

    领导连续统一体模型是针对领导决策风格提出的领导( )理论

    据调查,大学生求职时非常关注用人单位是否提供“五险一金”,这体现了马斯洛需要层次理论中的( )。

    小刘大学毕业后在一家公司工作,几年来他工作积极,最近和其他人合作,成功地开发了一个新程序,领取了较丰厚的奖金,开始时很高兴,随后不久,他无意之中看到了领发奖金清单,脸色一下子就阴沉下来了,你认为哪种理论可以较好地给予解释( )?

    王鹏的父亲为了鼓励他发奋学习,向他提出:如果下学期每门功课考试都达到90分以上,就给予奖励。在下述什么情况下,王鹏会得到激励而用功学习( )?

    对激励需要或需求进行研究的激励理论称为( )型激励理论

    麦克利兰将人的高层次需要分为:成就需要,( )需要,社交或归属需要

    赫茨伯格认为:与工作性质和内容相关,可以让员工感到满意的因素是( )因素

    课堂上有学生不认真听课,与其他同学讲话,老师用严厉的目光盯着他以示警告,这属于( )

    可靠性最好的沟通方式是( )

    现在很多大公司鼓励各级员工通过多种途径向公司高层领导反映意见或提出合理化建议,也会设立专门的信箱接收这些意见或建议,这种沟通方式属于( )

    信息传递速度慢,效率最低的是( )网络





    外科实习医生在第一次做手术时需要有经验丰富的医生在手术过程中对其进行指导,这是一种( )

    控制过程的第一步是( )

    “治病不如防病,防病不如讲究卫生”。根据这一说法,下面哪种控制方式最重要( )?

    要使控制工作在计划出现失常或者预见不到的情况下保持有效,所设计的控制系统必须具有( )

    控制是预测和监视组织各方面的活动,保证组织实际运行状况与计划要求保持( )适应的一项管理职能。

    反馈控制的损失成本( )。

    控制的自律性原则是指控制中鼓励和引导员工进行( )。

    1903年,在出现了( )电梯,它以曳引绳取代绳鼓。

    现代电梯的发展趋势为( )。

    电梯的额定乘客人数与额定载重量之间有( )关系。

    电梯检修运行时,运行速度gb中有怎样的规定。( )

    层站是各楼层用于出入( )的地点。

    电梯按照使用场合,分成( )电梯。

    电梯按照驱动方式,分成了( )电梯。

    电梯的主要参数有( )和( )。

    在不要求井道在火灾情况下用于防止火焰蔓延的场合, 如与( )、( )、( )联结的观光电梯等,井道不需要全封闭。

    建筑物中,要求井道有助于防止火焰蔓延,该井道应由( )、( )和( )完全封闭起来,不允许有开口。

    最早的电梯雏形是由阿基米德发明的。( )

    目前电梯的调速装置,一般采用变频变压(vvvf)系统( )。

    采用变频智能门机系统,确保门机运行的平滑性( )。

    型号tkj1000/2. 5-jx中t表示电梯,k表示乘客电梯,j表示交流梯,额定载重量是1000kg,额定速度为2.5m/s。


    动力驱动,沿( )升降的箱体或沿固定线路移动的梯级或踏步。

    在轿门关闭过程中,当有乘客或物体通过轿门时,在轿门高度方向上的特定范围内可自 动探测并发出信号使轿门重新打开的门保护装置,称为( )。

    在轿门关闭过程中,当有乘客或障碍物触及时,使轿门重新打开的机械式门保护装置,称为( )。

    当电梯的运行速度超过额定速度一定值时,其动作能切断安全回路或进一步导致安全钳或上行超速保护装置起作用,使电梯减速直到停止的自动安全装置,称为( )。

    电梯额定载重量是指电梯( )所规定的轿厢载重量。

    ( )是由于操作不当引起的紧急故障。

    ( )是由于乘坐不当引起的紧急故障。

    ( )是由于维修不当引起的紧急故障。

    特种设备安全监管部门对本行政区域内的特种设备使用安全、高耗能特种设备节能实施情况进行( )。

    在用电梯每年进行一次定期检验, 使用单位应当按照安全技术规范的要求,在《安全检验合格》标志规定的检验有效期届满前( )个月,向特种设备检验检测机构提出定期检验申请。

    扶梯按钮的位置一般在电梯的( )、( )和( )。

    ( )级以上地方各级负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门,对本行政区特种设备( )、( )实施监督管理。

    ( )和( )应当每年向社会公布特种设备安全总体状态

    ( )根据工作需要,适时公布本行政区域内的特种设备安全状况。

    特种设备安全监管部门对已经使用登记的特种设备,根据( ),按照( )原则,确定( ),制订( )。

    ( )和( )应当每年向社会公布特种设备安全总体状态

    层、轿门打开时,乘客应先下后上。( )

    为了赶乘客电梯或担心延误出轿厢可以用手、脚、身体或棍棒、小推车直接阻止关门动作。( )

    严禁企图搭乘正在进行维修的电梯。( )

    搭乘自动扶梯时,“靠左行走,靠右站稳”。( )

    市级以上地方各级负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门,对本行政区特种设备实施监督管理。( )

    轿厢运行过程中,禁止( )一旦扒开门缝,轿厢就会紧急制停,造成乘客被困在轿内,影响电梯正常运行

    当乘坐扶梯遇到紧急情况时,可以迅速按下扶梯的( )。

    ( )对全国特种设备使用安全、高耗能特种设备节能的监督管理工作进行监督和指导。

    维保单位应当设立24小时维保值班电话,保证接到故障通知后及时予以排除,接到电话困人故障报告,维保人员及时抵达所维保电梯所在地实施现场救援,直辖市或者设区的市,抵达时间不超过( )分钟,其他地区不超过( ),对电梯发生的故障等情况,及时进行详细记录,每台电梯的维保记录,及时归入电梯安全技术档案,并且至少保存( )年。

    对于( )的特种设备,一般应当在投入使用前办理使用登记。


    曳引机按有无 ,可分为有齿轮曳引机和无齿轮曳引机。

    无齿轮曳引机多用在速度大于 的电梯上。


    电梯的导向系统主要由轿厢导轨、 及导轨架组成。

    曳引电梯中的重量平衡系统包括:( )和( )两部分。

    电梯常用的导轨是( ) 字型导轨。

    导轨支架间的距离,一般不应超过2.5m,每根导轨内,至少要有( )个导轨支架。

    导轨不能直接紧固在井道壁上,它需要固定在导轨架上,常采用( )固定法。

    在上、下梁两端固定有( ),引导轿厢沿着导轨上下移动,保持轿厢在井道内的水平位置。

    当电梯在运行中无论何种原因使轿厢发生超过电梯额定速度的( ),使超速保护装置动作。

    限速器绳绳头处连接到位于轿厢顶的( ),并通过一系列安全钳操纵拉杆与安全钳相连。

    电梯终端保护装置由强迫减速开关、限位开关、( )组成。

    双速调速系统是改变( )。

    电梯电气控制系统由( )、显示装置、控制柜与平层装置组成。

    现在常用的平衡补偿装置有( )、( )和( )三种。

    不论是轿厢导向还是对重导向均由( )、( )、 导轨架组成 。

    轿厢系统本身主要由( )和( )两部分构成。

    轿厢体形态像一个大箱子,由( )、( )、( )、( )及开门机等组成。

    电梯轿门子系统的主要结构组成有哪些?( )

    电梯提供照明的电源可以是( ),也可以是( )。

    电梯调速装置包括( )和( )。

    电梯厅门子系统的主要结构组成有哪些?( )

    轿厢架的作用是固定和悬吊轿厢。( )

    电梯轿厢是运载乘客或货物的金属箱框形装置。( )

    各类轿厢除杂物梯外内部净高度至少为2000mm。( )

    轿厢架上、下、立梁之间一般采用螺栓联结。( )

    当没有开锁动作时,开锁装置应自动保持在锁紧状态。( )

    每个厅(层)门都不一定设紧急开锁装置。( )

    限速器和安全钳是电梯最重要的安全保护装置。( )

    缓冲器是端站保护装置失效后的轿厢保护最后一道防线。( )

    电梯电源包括三相五线制电源,照明和报警通信电源。( )

    电梯曳引系统主要由( )、曳引钢丝绳、导向轮及( )等组成。

    电梯工作时,曳引轮在( )的驱动下旋转,利用钢丝绳和曳引轮槽之间产生的摩擦力形成曳引驱动力,带动曳引钢丝绳,从而驱动轿厢、对重的升降。

    电梯八大系统通常包括曳引系统、门系统、轿厢系统、重量平衡系统、导向系统、电梯拖动系统、安全保护系统与( )。

    平层感应器一般装在( )。

    隔磁板一般装在每层( )一侧。

    维修人员在底坑检修电梯时( )可以停止电梯运行,以防止出现误动作伤人。

    当轿厢完全压缩在缓冲器上时,轿厢最低部分与底坑之间的净空间距离不小于( )m。

    底坑停止开关的特点中,哪项描述正确( )。

    底坑必须安装急停开关,其数量应为:( )

    检查缓冲器柱塞复位情况的方法是:以低速使缓冲器到全压缩位置,然后放开,从开始放开的一瞬间计算,到柱塞回到原位置上,所需时间应不大于( )。

    限速器动作时,限速绳的最大张力应不小于安全钳提拉力的( )倍。

    电梯在顶层端面站平层时,对重底部撞板与缓冲器顶面间应有足够的距离;耗能型缓冲器为( )mm。

    导轨应用( )固定在轨架上。

    当电梯的厅门与轿门没有关闭时电梯的电气控制部分不应接通,电梯电动机不能运转,实现此功能的装置称( )。

    在轿门上装有( ),当电梯关门碰到人或物阻碍关门时,装置动作,使门重新开启。

    曳引电动机的轴承应( )加油一次。

    制动器必须灵活可靠,制动闸瓦应紧密地帖合在制动轮的工作表面上,新换装闸带,要求闸带与制动轮的接触面应不小于闸带面积的( )。

    ( )是电梯导向系统的组成部分。

    关于电梯门的说确的是( )

    按照《电梯维护保养规则》(tsg t5002-2017),曳引与强制驱动电梯年度维护保养应进行限速器安全钳联动试验:对于使用年限不超过15年的限速器,每( )年进行一次限速器动作速度校验;对于使用年限超过15年的限速器,每( )年进行一次限速器动作速度校验。














    相序继电器安装在轿厢内。( )



    在对限速器进行检修维保时,应随时调整限速器弹簧的张紧力以调整限速器的速度。( )

    导轨垂直线偏差每5m最大不大于( )mm。

    不设安全钳的对重导轨接头处缝隙最大不得大于( )mm。

    层门入口的最小净高度为( )m

    应急照明装置在停电后能保证应急照明至少能持续 小时。

    电梯层门三角钥匙是( )开启电梯层门的专用工具。

    扶梯张紧装置由鱼形板及( )等组成。

    当驱动链断裂时,驱动链条下垂压下开关检测杆,传感开关动作,自动扶梯停止运行,这是( )。

    位于出、入口处扶手装置的两端,扶手带在此改变运动方向叫( )。

    在扶手带下方,装于围裙板或内盖板与外盖板之间的内护板叫( )。

    扶梯微量上行,对应的指令信号为( )。

    扶梯的基本结构组成有( )、保护装置及桁架装置。

    扶梯安全保护装置有( )及梳齿板安全保护。

    扶手装置由扶手带、扶手带驱动装置、护壁板、扶手支架及导轨、( )等组成。

    扶手带张紧装置是确保( ),消除因制造和环境变化产生的( )。

    扶梯向下运行,可能的指令信号为。( )

    扶梯向上运行,对应的指令信号为。( )

    梯路装置使梯级保持一稳定的水平面,多个梯级用特定的方法组合在一起,沿着一定的轨迹运行。( )

    扶手(带)装置位于自动扶梯或自动人行道一侧。( )

    当梯级链条伸长或断裂时,张紧装置移动太大,螺杆上的动作条压开关动触头,开关断开安全电路,自动扶梯制停,这是梯级链安全保护。( )

    任何情况下,护壁板之间任何位置的水平距离应小于两扶手带之间的水平距离。( )

    梯级一般采用不锈钢材料,颜色黑灰色,或采用整体铝合金压铸。( )

    电梯操作的规章制度是为了保护电梯安装维修人员在维修(保养)过程中的生命安全与身体健康,预防事故的发生,它适用于所有的电梯维修(保养)工作。( )

    触摸屏与plc通过( )通讯连接。

    mcgs tpc7062kx硬件中的usb2是( )。

    plc可以向外围设备提供( )电源。

    平层传感器一般安置在( )。

    在电气控制系统中利用( )实现相序保护。

    电气控制的一般性常见故障包括( )

    plc对电梯应用控制包括( )

    plc编程元件中输入输出继电器用( )表示。

    利用旋转编码器可以精确掌控电梯( )。







    构建三菱n:n网络时通信模块上的sd led指的是接收指示灯。

    plc控制电梯时,将各种指令信号作为输入,各种执行信号作为( )。

    plc的软件包括系统程序和( )。

    电梯控制系统分为电力拖动系统和( )。

    电梯控制系统中利用( )实现调速。

    电梯控制系统中利用( )实现逻辑控制。





















    在网络应用模式下,可根据实际需要切换( ),从而访问不同服务器上的数据。



    在用友u8 软件中,允许以()身份进入系统管理?


















    在应付款系统中的科目账查询结果一般来说应该与总账中的供应商往来账的查询结果相同,但是,如果在其他系统使用应付款系统的受控科目进行了制单,则有可能导致对账结果不一致。( )

    在应付款系统中,通过业务账表查询,可以及时地了解一定期间内应收应付款项的发生、收款付款的汇总情况、累计情况及期末结存汇总情况。( )

    在应付款系统中,单据报警的作用是对快要到期的单据或即将不能享受现金折扣的单据进行列示,系统提供自动报警和人工查询两种方式。( )

    在详细核算应用方案下,应付款系统可以向采购系统提供采购发票的付款结算情况及记账凭证。( )

    如果应付款系统采用详细核算的应用方案,则在应付款系统中可以对应付业务进行记录和管理。( )

    以下属于概率抽样的是( )。

    以下属于非概率抽样的是( )。

    如果要根据绝对允许误差来计算最小样本量,以下不需要知道的条件是( )。

    如果要根据百分比抽样误差来计算最小样本量,以下不需要知道的条件是( )。

    1936年《文学摘要》对总体大选预测失败的主要原因是( )。

    不采用普查而选择抽样调查的原因主要是( )。

    抽样误差的来源包括( )。

    一般来说,对抽样框的要求包括( )。

    以下属于非概率抽样方法的是( )。

    以下属于概率抽样的有( )。

    以下属于概率抽样的有( )。

    以下属于非概率抽样的有( )。

    以下属于非抽样误差的有( )。








    通用航空企业的组织形式包括专业通用航空公司,航空运输公司兼营通用公司, ,非航空企业的公务机队,飞行训练机构和个体经营者

    农业航空的任务主要有:1、航空喷洒,2、 3、航空监护。

    农业飞机大多数采用 飞机。

    民航实行和地区两级管理体制,河南省辖区内民航管理归属下面 地区管理局管理。

    国际民用航空组织的英文简称是 。


    航空新纪元开始的标志是 。


    欧洲的几个航空公司组建于 年组建国际航空运输协会iata(international air transport association),标志民用航空运输正式开始,这一年被称为民航元年。

    按照国际通常标准,一般以机身直径 米为界来区分宽体客机和窄体客机。

    起落架的主要作用不包括 。

    机场代码是用来标识机场的一组字母代号,有两种不同的机场代码系统,三字机场代码和四字机场代码,其中三字机场代码也称 机场代码,主要用于空管部门与航空公司运控中心相互联系的主要手段,用来传递航班计划、航班动态等。

    襟翼安装在机翼后缘内侧,可以向外、向下伸出,用于提高机翼的升力系数,增加升力,一般在 等低速情况下才会放下使用。

    飞行过程中, 是飞机在高速飞行时才会遇到的阻力。

    关于apu的说法,错误的是 。


    下列不属于喷气式发动机的附属系统的是 。


    飞机的飞行速度中地速指 。

    飞机飞行中,机翼上表面的气体流速快,下表面气体流速慢,飞机机翼上获得较大的 。

    当常规布局的直升机试图向前飞行时,其主旋翼和尾桨基本操纵应该是 。

    在一个之内,国内地区与特殊地位地区之间的航线称为 。

    飞机平飞时,飞机的协调转弯仪表盘中的小球处于弯管的 位置。

    对于精密进近跑道,除了中心线、跑道号、等待位置标志等基本标识外,还要增加的着陆区标识为 和 。

    下列关于飞机仪表系统错误的说法是 。

    下列关于国内航班号编排中说确的是 。

    马赫数是指物体运动速度与声速之比来衡量空气被压缩的程度.其公式为m=v/a。现代的大型客机为保证最大效益.一般将其控制到 m 范围以保持速度和效益的统一。

    一般来说,下列不属于飞机自动飞行系统内容的是 。

    气压式高度表主要依据大气压随着高度升高线性 变化原理工作。

    飞机的纵向稳定性决定于重心和气动力中心的相对位置,提高飞机纵向稳定性,一般要求重心必须保持在气动中心 。

    民用航空器一般活动在大气层的 范围。

    在标准海平面上飞行时,真空速与指示空速相比较,应为 : ①真空速=指示空速; ②真空速<指示空速;③真空速>指示空速

    飞机完成一次完成飞行过程要经过 过程或阶段。

    下列选项中 不是新航行系统中的监视系统。

    俯仰操纵或纵向操纵是通过对 的操作来实现的。

    电子监控系统ecam是空客公司飞机驾驶舱中监视飞机 状态和参数的仪表系统。

    背台飞行是以背台方位线为航道,引导飞机飞离电台飞行方法。当背台飞行飞机偏左时, 。

    下列关于升力公式l= 1/2ρv²cs描述错误的是 。

    涡喷发动机中 后的气体从尾喷管排出发动机。

    选择呼叫系统用于 。


    现代气象雷达通常用 的彩色编码来表示大、中、小雨区域。

    下列选项中 是民用航空和整个社会的结合点。

    根据度量航向时基准线的不同,航向可表示为真航向、磁航向和 三种形式。

    影响飞机侧向稳定的主要因素不包括 。

    安装在左侧机翼翼尖的红灯,右侧翼尖的绿灯,尾翼顶端的白灯称为 。

    通用航空使用的小型飞机多用的动力装置是 。

    下面 不属于航空运输的经济技术指标。

    机翼上的结构油箱称为 。

    空中交通管制方式主要包括 。

    飞行性能指飞机在飞行的各阶段的速度和加速度的特性。下列不属于飞机飞行性能的是 。

    which of the following is replaceable resource?

    which of the following is irreplaceable resource?

    which one is not man’s transformation of nature?

    which one is not the description of our ancestors in the past?

    which one belongs to synthetic material?

    to solve the crisis of man-nature relation, we should _____?

    which one is a nature-friendly behavior?

    which one is not the role of amazon rainforest in the earth ecosystem?

    the natural order of an english sentence should be ______.

    which one is not an inverted english sentence?

    which of the following is not considered as a natural disaster?

    the amazon rainforest is located in _________.

    what is the main idea of paragraph one?

    which one is the wrong attitude towards nature?

    we are connected with nature by _____ ties and we cannot live outside nature.

    as society develops, man tends to become less _______ on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows.

    modern technology is distinguished by an ever increasing abundance of produced and used ______ goods.

    man is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the ____ he drinks and the food he eats.

    frank lloyd wright said, “study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. it will never ____ you.”

    who wrote a famous paper entitled “ does economic growth improve the human lot?” in 1974?

    in what field does technology impose the most influence on people’s sense of well-being?

    which of the following is not james’s publications?

    who writes the quote “the production of too many useful things results in too many good useless people”?

    studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity _________.

    what is not the downside of technology’s impact?

    even though americans seemed to work extraordinarily hard, their pursuit __________ entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries.

    people are much better informed since the __________ of television.

    it’s as if __________ were built into acquisition from the very beginning.

    the truly __________ work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being was done by the economist richard easterlin.

    one of the happiness scholar’s most important insights is that people __________ very quickly to good news.

    according to the article, which government approved a total ban on mobile use for pupils up to the age of 15?

    driverless cars or self-driving cars are robotic cars driven by_________.

    with mobile payment becoming ubiquitous, the chinese society is becoming gradually _________.

    telemarketing, traffic jams and identity theft all come to mind, which all _________ making people consciously unhappy are.

    in the united states, for instance, gross domestic product per capita _________ from 1950 to 2000.

    the _________ in productivity after world war second made goods better and cheaper at the same time.

    at the end of the text, the author says “good luck ” to those who desperately seek fame and fortune to ___.

    what does an artist have to do to stay famous according to the author?

    for the reason why people chase fame, the author mentions several except ____.

    in the sentence “fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and reputation, it takes you out of you” (paragraph 5), the underlined part means ____.

    in paragraph 3 “fame brings celebrity and high regard from loyal fas in each field.”, here “celebrity” means ___.

    in paragraph3, “fame brings celebrity and high regard from loyal fas in each field.”, here “regard” means ___.

    in paragraph 3, “…failure often serves as its own reward for many people”, means ____.

    in the sentence “if you do catch it, hang on for dear life.”(paragraph 6) , “for dear life” means ____

    to avoid plagiari, it’s important to cite the information to ___ in your paraphrasing.

    ludwig van beethoven is mentioned as an example of some famous failurs in the text to prove that ___.

    for those who ___ fame, they have to risk their own privacy.

    she quit the office job since she was ____ repeating the routine.

    please ___ to the rail while walking along the bridge.

    the local labor union ____ a campaign against the increase of tax.

    in the sentence “fame is very much like an animal chasing his own tail”, the author uses the rhetorical device of ___ to show the negative result of pursuing fame.

    according to the author, it’s easier for the artist becomes the slave of his or her own success because of the______.

    in order to maintain coherence of the writing, the author states his stand very clearly with a bunch of _____ words, like “chasing the tail”, “find excuses”, “desperately” and ect.

    the very first step of paraphrasing is to ____.

    paraphrasing simply means taking the original text and using your ____ and structure to rewrite it while still conveying the same message.

    how many college student failed to land a job in 2017?

    what kind of students had comparatively less stress in the job market in 2013 (video 1)?

    which of the following is not the factor contributing to anxiety of student?

    what does not cause the declining employment rate?

    which is not the solution to the problem of unemployment?

    how many categories of jobs are mentioned in text a?

    who comprise the majority in a society according to the author?

    what makes so many people become laborers instead of workers?

    how do you think does technology make people laborers?

    what is the alarming consequence of this phenomenon?

    compared with a job, work refers to something more ________.

    which of the following is the similar expression of “land a job”?

    when you derive contentment from what your job, you can describe it as ________.

    which expression means changing one’s job?

    which one emphasizes qualification and specialization?

    what does the movie clip of modern times try to convey?

    what’s the main idea of the text?

    which way to deepen the understanding of a recruiting firm is not mentioned?

    what should an interviewee do when he is asked if he has questions?

    which is inappropriate when choosing outfits for an interview?

    what is not suggested about punctuality?

    what should an applicant do during an interview?

    which is not mentioned as positive body language?

    which is mentioned as negative body language?

    why can chris get the job in video clip 3?

    in the process of interview, one should respond __________ to interview questions.

    unlike a laborer, a worker is _______ in what he does to earn a living.

    an ideal job usually can make a person feel _______.

    playing is a way for laborers to escape from _______.

    a _______ job requires a lot of effort.

    the theory of karl marx is about human _______.

    what is this article mainly about?

    the phrase “lost your taste” (paragraph 1) most probably means ________.

    according to micheal, to raise a child, most people may ________.

    what do we learn about sara and michael?

    what is the root cause for the couple to change their life style?

    what is the role of paragraph 6?

    how do they know what they really need?

    what haven’t sara and michael given up when they have a clear idea of what they really need?

    which of the following is not what they did to simplify life?

    what have they exchanged the expenses of a commuter age for?

    which of the following statements is wrong?

    why did the author say she was not very happy when she left the store $11 poorer?

    why do we sometimes get so hard to find the resolve and courage to get off the merry-go-round?

    according to the article, what is “voluntary simplicity”?

    what is the style of this article?

    sara believes that their home life is simplification, not ______________.

    a person who travels a long distance to work every day is called a __________.

    sara and michael decided to spend money only on the things that contributed to their major _____.

    although the couple don’t work harder, they can afford to live in the same _______ community.

    in the last paragraph, the author compares people’s desire of shopping to a children’s favorite, that is, _________.

    the author observed the following in the hospital except ___.

    by saying “a man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”, the author means ___.

    by saying “hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go.” , the author suggests that ___.

    he is too ___ with his own experiment to notice the arrival of his friends.

    why should we learn to let go, according to the author?

    why is it not an easy task for young people to learn to accept losses and to let go?

    by saying “life is never just being. it is a becoming, a relentless flowing on. ”, the author tends to tell us that ___.

    though life plays tricks on you, you should find your courage to ___.

    she was about to cry for being late again when it suddenly ___ her that the appointment was cancelled.

    in the sentence “ then i remembered how often i, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the great beauty of it all”( paragraph 6), the word “mean” means ___.

    in the sentence, “never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life”(paragraph 8) , the author tries to tell us that ____.

    by saying that “at every stage of life we sustain losses ---and grow in the process.”, the author means _____.

    in the sentence, “why fashion things of beauty when beauty is short lived?”(paragraph 12), the word “fashion” means ____.

    the last paragraph is meant to _____.

    life is ____, just like a flow river.

    in winston churchill’s sentence “ attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” the word “little” contrasts with the word “___” to show the importance of attitude.

    according to the author, the two truths to live by is hold fast to life and ____.

    in the writing, the author uses ____ to show the two different truths people should take towards life.

    the two truths to live by propsed by the author seem to be _____ to each other but they coexist well.

    which of the following book has been nominated four times for the nobel prize in literature?

    the sentence “reading gives a person charm and elegance”from sushi means to tell us that ________.

    by comparing the non-readers with the readers, lin yutang suggests that “the non-readers are imprisoned in his immediate world in respect to time and space”. it means________.

    lin yutang believed that reading should not be an obligation because it is ____.

    it is suggested that to read the same book many times is still profitable because ______.

    which of the following chinese is the best translation for the english sentence: “reading gives a person charm and elegance”?

    when“烧饼”is translated into pancake, what translation method is used?

    when "旗袍" is translated into qipao, what translation method is used?

    lin believes that the ____ of reading is to cultivate one’s personal charm rather than to educate oneself.

    it’s our _____ to maintain the public security rather than just to be a stander-by.

    the analects is a famous chinese classic book recording ______.

    _______ is used in sentence “one man’s meat may be another’s poison.”

    in the text, “flavor”or “taste”should be understood as one’s _____.

    besides those compulsory courses to attend, you should also take some ____ courses to earn enough credits to graduate from college.

    world book and 尊龙人生就是博 copyright day,on 23 april, is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of __________.

    the sentence“ is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?” is often translated into chinese of a saying by confucius as _______.

    in ogy, “________” and “explaining” are the two key parts.

    lin yutang is famouse for his writing both in two languages: chinese and _____.

    the culture-loaded words are those carry chinese _____ but hard to find their equivalence in the target language.

    why did kofi annan make this speech?

    in kofi annan’s speech, the word “plea” is closest to the meaning of ________.

    what is the speaker’s definition of an inclusive globalization?

    what does the sentence “globalization’s glass house must be open to all if it is to remain secure” mean?

    the expression “tear down the walls in one’s own mind” is closest in meaning to ________.

    how is kofi annan’s speech organized?

    the tone of kofi annan is ________.

    which of the following could be considered as a key word of kofi annan’s speech?

    when it comes to the purpose of a public speech, kofi annan’s speech is a speech ________.

    which of the following is not a rhetoric device mentioned in this lesson?

    what rhetoric device does the following sentence use? “the chinese economy is not a pond but an ocean. the ocean may have its calm days, but big winds and storms are only to be expected.”

    what rhetoric device does the following sentences use? “the next decade will be a crucial one in which new global growth drivers will take the place of old ones; the next decade will see faster changes in the international landscape and the international alignment of forces; the next decade will see a profound reshaping of the global governance.”

    the conclusion of the peace treaty serves the interests of the peoples of the two countries, and it is also of _________ importance to world peace and stability.

    which of the following is not a synonym (近义词 ) of “inclusive” based on the text?

    which of the following is not an antonym ( 反义词 ) of “inclusive” based on the text?


    annan appeals to us to tear down the walls in our own minds so that we are able to recognize the untold ways in which we can all ______ from cooperation.

    in kofi annan’s speech, in order to best illustrate his proposal, the word______ is used repetitively in different ways, such as solidarity, interdependence and inisible.

    in a public speech, emotional appeal can be realized by______, developing vivid examples and speaking with sincerity and conviction

    metaphor is an implicit ______ between things that are essentially different yet have something in common.

    which one is the wrong attitude towards nature?

    which one is not an inverted english sentence?

    which one is not man’s transformation of nature?

    in what field does technology impose the most influence on people’s sense of well-being?

    what is not the downside of technology’s impact?

    even though americans seemed to work extraordinarily hard, their pursuit __________ entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries.

    new techonology fails us very quickly as if __________ were built into acquisition from the very beginning.

    for those who ___ fame, they have to risk their own privacy.

    the local labor union ____ a campaign against the increase of tax.

    she quit the office job since she was ____ repeating the routine.

    "merry-go-around" is compared to the consumers' life because ____.

    by saying “hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go.” , the author suggests that ___.

    though life plays tricks on you, you should find your courage to ___.

    which of the following book has been nominated four times for the nobel prize in literature?

    when“烧饼”is translated into pancake, what translation method is used?

    besides those compulsory courses to attend, you should also take some ____ courses to earn enough credits to graduate from college.

    it’s our _____ to maintain the public security rather than just to be a stander-by.

    what rhetoric device does the following sentences use? “the next decade will be a crucial one in which new global growth drivers will take the place of old ones; the next decade will see faster changes in the international landscape and the international alignment of forces; the next decade will see a profound reshaping of the global governance.”

    even though my suggestion ____ with hers, mary still believes she is the only one expertise in this field.

    this incident can by no means justify their discrimination ______ the black people.

    to avoid plagiari, it’s important to cite the information to honor your author in your paraphrasing.

    unlike a laborer, a worker is interested in what he does to earn a living.

    "voluntary simplicity" is a kind of life style which refuses all the extra expenses in life and only choose the cheapest things.

    by saying “a man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”, the author means living and death are two natural common process.

    by saying “life is never just being. it is a becoming, a relentless flowing on. ”, the author tends to tell us that we should learn to be reconciled to life’s contradictory demands.

    analogy is used in sentence “one man’s meat may be another’s poison.”

    the analects is a famous chinese classic book written by confucius.

    in a public speech, emotional appeal can be realized by using emotional language, developing vivid examples and speaking with sincerity and conviction.

    an inclusive globalization means all the community in the world can benefit from it.

    whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the attitude of the inidual who undertakes it.

    as society develops, man tends to become less _______ on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows.

    frank lloyd wright said, “study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. it will never ____ you.”

    mobile payment has made chinese society gradually _________ and there's no need for people to carry cash in big cities.

    in the sentence “fame is very much like an animal chasing his own tail”, the author uses the rhetorical device of ___ to show the negative result of pursuing fame.

    the very first step of paraphrasing is to ____.

    paraphrasing simply means taking the original text and using your ____ and structure to rewrite it while still conveying the same message.

    the sentence“ is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?” is often translated into chinese of a saying by confucius as _______.

    in ogy, “________” and “explaining” are the two key parts.

    the english sentence: “reading gives a person charm and elegance”can be translated into chinese as ______

    metaphor is an implicit ______ between things that are essentially different yet have something in common.

    exclusive is an ___ of “inclusive” .

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