“child hunger is fundamentally a political problem,” said assefa bequele, acpf’s executive director. (the guardian) what kind of quotation is used here?
已知增强型管的vtn=|vtp|=0.5v,各管脚电位如图所示,则该管子处于( )状态。
what should the room attendant do when the luggage arrived at the floor before the team gusts live in the rooms:
如果和都不存在,那么 不存在
质量为m,能量为e的粒子被散射,散射过程是弹性的,散射势为 求微分散射截面。
元代松江人黄道婆在海南岛学习了( )的纺织技术并加以改革,使海南的棉织技术得以向内地传播。
痛风病人的膳食应控制 ( )
finding what is omitted but worth of mentioning is a way to find the opinion of the reporter.
why should we read for opinions?
when skimming a piece of news, we do not ________.
which of the following headlines omitted “a” or “an”?
why is one paragraph-one point demonstration particularly preferred?