


    数列极限=( ) (a) (b) (c) (d)

    函数极限=( ) (a) (b) (c) (d)

    若连续,那么( ) (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d)3

    若,且,则一定有( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)不确定

    函数极限( ). (a) 2 (b)1 (c)0 (d) 不存在

    是函数 的( ) (a)可去间断点 (b) 无穷间断点 (c)跳跃间断点 (d)连续点

    函数极限等于( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    下列叙述正确的是( ) (a)单调数列一定有极限; (b)单调数列一定没有极限; (c)数列一定发散; (d)数列未必发散

    分段函数必有间断点( )

    如果极限存在,那么极限与均存在( )

    判断题:函数与表示同一函数( )

    判断题:有界的数列必收敛( )

    填空题:极限 .

    选择题:若极限,则( ) (a)1 (b)2 (c)-3


    判断题:若存在,则在 处有定义. ( )

    已知,那么( ) (a) (b) (c) (d)

    设曲线在相切,则有( ) (a) (b) (c) (d)

    函数在处( ) (a)可导但不连续 (b)连续且可导 (c)不连续且不可导 (d)连续但不可导

    下列叙述正确的是( ) (a)连续一定可微 (b)奇函数的导函数还是奇函数 (c)可导一定连续 (d)不可导一定不连续

    曲线在点(1,1)处的切线斜率为1. ( )

    曲线在点处的切线方程是 .

    设,那么= .

    设,则= .

    设是由方程所确定的隐函数,则导数= .

    判断题:在连续是它在该点可导的充分条件( ).

    填空题:若,则二阶导数= .

    选择题:设,则等于( ). (a)2 (b)3 (c)8

    选择题:设函数在可导,且满足,那么等于( ). (a)1 (b)-1 (c) -2


    利用洛必达法则解得等于( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    在区间上满足罗尔定理条件的函数是( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    设函数在连续,若为函数的极值点,则必有( ). (a) (b) (c)或不存在 (d)不存在

    设函数在上的二阶导数存在且大于0,则下列关系式成立的是( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    函数的单调递减区间是( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    函数在上的最大值为( ). (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)6

    设函数在存在二阶导数,且,那么在取得极大值.( )

    函数的极值点必定是函数的驻点( ).

    判断题:若在满足:,则曲线在内是单调递增的.( )

    判断题:若在内满足,则在内常数.( )

    选择题:当=( )时,在处取得极值. (a)1 (b)2 (c)-1 (d)-2

    选择题:函数在上的最大值为( ). (a)2 (b)0 (c)4 (d)6

    选择题:在区间[-1,1]上满足罗尔定理的函数是( ). (a) (b) (c)

    设,则不定积分等于( ).

    下列各式正确的是( ).

    下列不定积分计算错误的是( ).

    利用第一类换元法,不定积分( ).

    对于不定积分,一般会采用( )来求解.

    一曲线通过点,且在任一点处的切线斜率等于该点横坐标的4倍,则该曲线方程为( ).

    若的导函数为,则( )必为的一个原函数.

    判断题:若函数具有连续导数,则( ).

    判断题:若和均是的原函数,则必有( ).

    选择题:已知,且,那么=( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    选择题:设是的一个原函数,那么=( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    选择题:不定积分=( ). (a) (b) (c)(d)

    选择题:若,则=( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    函数在区间上连续是定积分存在的( ).

    设是在上的一个原函数,则( ).

    设为连续的奇函数,且,则=( ).

    设,则曲线和直线所围图形绕轴旋转而成的旋转体体积为( ).

    定积分的值为( ).

    定积分的值为( ).


    判断题:函数在上连续函数在上可积( ).

    选择题:下列值等于1的是( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    选择题:由曲线围成的图形的面积为( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    选择题:下列计算错误的是( ). (a) (b) (c) (d)

    微分方程的通解是 y=( )

    微分方程的通解是( )

    微分方程的通解是( ).












    下列说确的是( )

    已知直线 y=6x -k 是 y=3x^2 的切线,则 k=( )




    一物体按规律 作直线运动,式中 为时间 内通过的距离,媒质的阻力正比 于速度的平方.试求物体由 运动到 时,阻力所作的功.

    人工繁殖细菌,其增长速度和当时的细菌数成正比。 (1)如果4小时的细菌数为原细菌数的2倍,那么经过12小时应有多少? (2)如在3小时的时候,有细菌数10000个,在5小时的时候有个40000,那么在开始时有多少个细菌?



    一个部门有个职工,每个职工只能属于一个部门,部门与职工之间是( )



    在access数据库中,向用户提供操作数据库界面功能的是( )



    旧社会分工突出表现为 ( )






    我国古代哪项发明被称为继我国古代第四大发明之后的第五大发明( )

    ( )公司首创通过开办娱乐节目来促进油品销售。

    战争史上第一次利用汽车大规模机动兵力发生在( )

    石油工业的上游指的是( )


    第一次世界大战后,导致石油成为战略物资的原因( )




    我国古代在石油科技领域拥有顿钻、康盆采气术、( )、猛火油术四大发明。

    标准石油公司成立于( )年。

    ( )国大发明家克雷曼•阿德首次提出了航母的基本概念和制造航母的初步设想。

    根据古代顿钻钻井、㝩盆采气、木质管道来描述天然气钻采输的工艺流程 钻井工艺流程: 㝩盆采气流程: 天然气集输流程:

    石蜡烃属于( )。

    尼龙是由( )公司发明的。

    化肥的生产需要石油里面的( )元素。

    在历史上,石油的称谓有( )。

    石油里面的次要元素有( )。

    ( )属于非烃化合物。

    润滑油起到( )作用。




    我国东部含油气区受太平洋板块的俯冲作用,盆地属于( ),呈北东向展布。

    生成大量石油的有机物质是( )。

    储集层的岩性横向变化,如果储集层向抬升方向变成了致密层,阻滞了油气运移,我们称它为( )圈闭。

    ( )属于陆相。

    有机质向油气转化是一个复杂的过程,( )是必不可少的理化条件。

    ( )可作为烃源岩。

    圈闭通常由( )组成。

    石油和天然气在二次运移中的通道是储集层的( )。






    1:10万的工业测图的观察点是相距( )公里。

    地下岩石电阻率最高的是( )。

    密度测井是通过发射( )来评价岩石的密度。

    中子测井可用来测定岩石( )的大小。

    岩样的作用有( )。

    虚拟现实解释系统让解释员带上立体眼镜,使( )在相同的数据体环境中工作,就好像钻入地下的岩层里。

    声波测井可测定( )。





    为了控制指进,流度比应该( )。

    地下最典型的驱动压差是( )。

    水驱油结束后,共存水在油层中的存在形态有( )。

    三次采油包括( )。

    表面活性剂驱机理是( )。







    回收重晶石的固控设备是( )。

    用于控制水泥塞高度的器械是( )。

    目前油田用的最多的完井方式是( )。

    转盘主要有( )组成。

    水龙头主要有( )组成。

    钻柱主要有( )组成。

    螺杆钻具有( )组成。

    ( )属于固井设备。




    自喷开采的流动过程包括( )。

    套管头的功能主要有( )。

    ( )是采油树的组成部分。

    潜油电泵抽油机井下机组,主要由( )组成。

    潜油螺杆泵抽油机与电潜泵抽油机的区别在于( )。

    注水设备主要包括( )。

    游梁式抽油机系统效率比较低的原因有( )。






    适合于储存天然气的是( )。

    立式分离器与卧式分离器不同点是( )。

    在立式沉降罐中,当油水混合物上升穿过水层时,( )被洗入水中,使油水分离。

    天然气净化工艺吸附的对象是天然气中的( )。

    管道运输的优点( )。

    同一条管道输送不同的油品减少混油界面的方法是在两批次油品之间加入( )。




    初生纤维力学性能( )。

    目前合成的橡胶80%要用( )。

    乙烯原料和催化剂一起进入环管反应器,发生聚合反应,变成聚乙烯粉料,粉料粒径大概分布在( )左右。

    石油一次加工得到的产品( )。

    催化裂化得到的组分( )。

    润滑油生产工艺包括( )。

    需要进行深冷分离的组分有( )。




    天然气水合物中甲烷的碳总量相当于全球已知的化石燃料碳总量的( )倍。

    借助数字化油田,每天正钻的井都通过卫星,每( )秒钟传一组数据,到计算机里面,专家可以坐在办公室里即时指挥现场生产。

    页岩气革命成功的原因( )。

    为了保护风景区,魔鬼城采油区通过附属设施全部入地取得的效果( )。

    绿色已经被克拉玛依石油人赋予了全新的内容( )。

    新型油公司模式( )。

    智能油田的含义( )。

    数字化油田带来的变化( )。



    对授课十章内容,每章内容做一个100字以内的总结 第一章小结: 第二章小结: 第三章小结: 第四章小结: 第五章小结: 第六章小结: 第七章小结: 第八章小结: 第九章小结: 第十章小结:

    辅助生产费用进行两次或两次以上分配的分配方法有( )。

    采用备抵法时,企业对于无法收回的应收账款应借记的会计科目是( )。



    提取短期借款利息时,会使企业的( )。

    在对存货实行abc分类管理的情况下,abc三类存货的金额比重大致为( )。


    目的:练习产品生产业务的会计记录。 资料: 1. 海湛股份有限公司20××年3月1日,“生产成本——985产品”

    证券投资收益包括( )。

    会计政策变更采用追溯调整法时,属于追溯调整的内容有( )。

    车辆购置税的计税依据是( )。

    通知存款不管实际存期的长短,统一按存款人取款提前通知的期限长短划分为( )。



    on the accomplishment of csc assignment, employees hone their cultural and __________ literacy.

    the csc idea is to instill _____________ and leadership skills for less-structured, erse business environment and cultures.

    csc represents not only cutting-edge career training, but also a major advance in the practice of ___________.

    corporate social responsibility is no longer viewed as __________________, but an investment that brings financial returns.

    the alignment of charitable giving with business strategy, company skills and market needs is called ____________.

    one example of companies building a growth platform through the practice of csr is ______________.

    pro bono is a latin phrase for __________ undertaken voluntarily and without payment.

    the potential drawback of this investment __________ is that it is exclusive in the u.s. when many believe international ersification is helpful.

    __________ is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a all business.

    trust is the foundation of the bbc ________; we are independent, impartial and honest.

    code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms, religious rules and responsibilities of, and or proper practices for, an inidual. in chinese, code of conduct is _________.

    participants in ibm's csc assignment are all teams of excellent employees to help communities worldwide address challenges.

    csc assignment's initial aim was to develop the skills and experience to succeed as new global leaders.

    the statement “in the past, business was only responsible to shareholders” means companies are set up to fulfill investors' business and societal plans.

    values-based regulation must be placed ahead of legal compliance when companies integrate csr into core business strategy.

    if you’re looking to boost customer satisfaction, one of the most promising places to start is ______.

    it is believed that increased satisfaction has a(n) ______ impact on consumer spending, cash flow, and business performance.

    problems with service had a much ______ than problems with the products themselves on customers’ likelihood to recommend a brand.

    customer service calls involve direct interaction between ______.

    one possibility she is seriously considering is to introduce a line of sorbets based on exotic fruits like kiwi and mango and that use low-calorie sweeteners. what does the underlined word “exotic” probably mean?

    the stakes are high. what does the underlined word “stakes” probably mean?

    overall, ice cream sales in the u.s. have declined 1 to 2 percent in recent years, except for haagen-dazs and a few other super premium producers.

    the decline in sales growth of super premium ice cream in the u.s. since the early 1990s is due to competition among ice cream producers.

    americans nowadays prefer low-fat ice creams rather than rich taste ice cream.

    frozen yogurt sales has declined rapidly for a long time because many people didn’t like the tart taste.

    “dessert junkies” are those people with yearning for low-fat frozen yogurt and low-fat ice cream.

    the retail price of haagen-dazs is quite high when compared with other premium ice cream.

    many consumers believe that low fat means low calorie.

    as people notice consistent quality differences, customers’ attitudes improve or deteriorate quite quickly.

    the price in an export sales contract should be quoted in __________ .

    the term “______ exports of goods” means the trade value of exports which “have been adjusted for price changes".

    normally, a typical ____________ follows the pattern of prosperity, recession, depression, and recovery.

    “制造业是主要的受益者。” the underlined expression “受益者” is ________ in english.

    securities are stocks, shares, bonds, or other certificates that you buy in order to earn regular interest from them or to sell them later for a profit. the chinese version for “securities” is _________.

    the year 1978 ____/____ the reform and opening-up in china.

    the global credit markets see little risk in lending, suggesting a climate that will accommodate borrowing. "accommodate" here means _________.

    international trade is the exchange of goods and merchandise across international boundaries or territories.

    few nations of the world have the raw materials, climate, technology, and skilled labor needed to produce all the goods and services they may desire.

    attention to exports outweighs that to imports in america.

    devaluation of the us dollar makes the prices of foreign currencies and products less expensive to americans.

    the three pillars of u.s. economic growth this year have been housing construction, business outlays for new buildings and equipment, and exports.

    according to the reading “exports are giving the economy a surprise lift”, the strong growth in economies overseas is not driven by their exports to america but by their own domestic demand.

    and the timing is especially favorable when the u.s. exporters can use the extra support of globalization.

    european countries together with japan account for about half of all u.s. exports.

    you shouldn’t ______ the exercise equipment while others are waiting to use it.

    the museum is annually ______ by funds from several major corporations.

    when parents of marginalized, poor students try to ______ around the harsh rules and requirements, they are often investigated, tried, and punished with strict prejudice.

    the economy slumped, nascar struggled to find ways to keep its long races interesting, and some of the sport’s more ______ stars began moving to the sidelines.

    the proposal to establish a joint venture was accepted with ______ approval.

    if you pay by credit card, you have to _____ the transaction by signing a pay slip.

    when an employee is aware that his expertise and experiences are appreciated by his company and his fellow workers, he is able to _____ even more closely with the company.

    the yen _____ yesterday, falling from $114 to $115 against the dollar.

    the exporter didn’t receive payment for his goods because the buyer _____.

    凭借先进的生产技术,他们得以占据竞争优势。 the underlined phrase “竞争优势” is _____ in english.

    choice and migration of position have reflected enterprise’s dynamic resource distribution idea and the goal of maximized value in long-term. in chinese, “resource distribution” is _____.

    monopoly means a monopolistic activity or right that is concentrated in a certain sphere.

    the monopolies in area of energy are benign, so it’s unnecessary for the government to eliminate them.

    the most obvious solution to monopoly would be the diemberment.

    the mistake of ibm, a compe of microsoft, was that it licensed at “microsoft” the primitive operating system and did not stipulate for own exclusive rights.

    if a company continues to support fully funded pension plans, which category will it likely fall into?

    soft returns delivered by an effective benefits program include a sense of meeting obligations and goodwill and ______?

    which one of the following statements best describes the company that spends more money to fund its benefits programs than its compes?

    employee benefits represent an investment from which companies derive value, and it should be managed in line with an overall business strategy rather than written off as an ______.

    survey participants their approach to employee benefits into one of four profiles.

    长期不遗余力地致力于全额资助退休金计划的企业很可能属于这个种类。 the underlined phrase “退休金计划” is ______ in english.

    to create a benefits package that delivers soft and hard returns to employees, a corporate requires a paradigm shift in such areas as ______.

    the ways that employers can use to address the financial security of employees include ______.

    employees that place a heavy emphasis on the ______ and ______ of their benefits programs and regard them as key competitive differentiators are characterized as progressive.

    smaller businesses with just one or two locations and those in the manufacturing industry that employ a high proportion of hourly workers are two types of employers that frequently fit the standard profile.

    a holistic approach to employee benefits contributes to employee engagement and satisfaction.

    according to metlife’s study, 82% of employees believe work/life programs would improve retention.

    the most critical step in establishing a high-quality benefits experience is effective communication.

    many apps can streamline your travels and make it easier as well as save you money on flights and hotels. here the underlined word “streamline” means ______.

    experts agree that ______ are the crucial factor in compelling presentations.

    which one is not a characteristic of communication according to the definition of communication?

    what is the most important skill that the employers seek according to the survey reported by forbes magazine in 2015?

    what is the benefit of speaking slowly?

    which of the following non-verbal behaviors is the most important in a presentation according to anderson in the additional reading “speaking up: 5 strategies to give an effective presentation”?

    we always do thorough market research before we price our product so that our price would be proper for our target customers and competitive in the market. in chinese, the underlined word “price” is _________.

    which of the following statements is/are true of slides?

    being nervous in a presentation and .

    noise in the communication process model can be both external and internal. which of the following is/are example(s) of internal noise?

    there are ten components in the communication process model, i.e., sender, encoding, message, channel, decoding, receiver, response, feedback, noise and context.

    there are two kinds of noises: the external and internal noise.

    the context does not matter in the communication process as long as the message is passed on to the receiver successfully.

    product lines are usually created by a company as a marketing strategy to attract new customers to buy a brand.

    customer base are the group of customers who repeatedly purchase the goods or services of the business.

    the sales of a particular company in a market, expressed as a percentage of the total sales, is called ______.

    online chat is a way of communicating by sending text messages to people in the same chat-room ______ real-time.

    which one is not the reason that some people think it convenient to shop online?

    the online stores ______.

    e-commerce has witnessed a ______ growth all over the world these years.

    letters are usually delivered by a postman whereas e-mails are sent through ______.

    the popular chinese name for a “search engine” is ______.

    to snag new customers and keep the old ones remembering you vividly, seriously plan to launch a newsletter, and send it to all prospects and customers on a(n) ______ basis.

    a computer ______ is someone who tries to break into computer systems, especially in order to get secret information.

    users can transfer data from a computer ______ an iphone with a click of the mouse.

    if you plan to collect sensitive ______ from your customers, you should use security systems like ssl.

    which of the following statements is true?

    there is a wide variety of products available to buy on the internet. there are lots of bargains in shops in the run up to different festivals to encourage people of shopping online to spend more money.

    the more popular internet shopping becomes, the more people worry about the security.

    amazon is criticized for alienating suppliers, content partners and publishers while alibaba have a different focus. alibaba helps all businesses, which makes it stand in stark contrast to amazon.

    the quality of the customer service of southwest airlines is ensured through the efforts made by ______.

    the concept ______ explains the close relationship between providing quality customer service and achieving impressive profits.

    the drawbacks of automated customer service might include ______.

    the luxurious employee training offered by the four seasons hotels is called ______.

    how do you account for the company’s alarmingly high staff ______?

    kids who develop affective and cognitive ______ form healthy relationships and argue less with their parents, research shows.

    we had a chance to consult and ______ our diplomatic efforts and approaches with france.

    ______ difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department.

    when you work at the ______, you should be prepared to deal with emergencies.

    the company decided to ______ a spanish manager as the president of the company.

    southwest airlines mailed gifts to passengers after the flight delay in order to settle customer complaints.

    most companies nowadays compete not only over product prices but more importantly on the quality of customer service.

    the model of homeshoring is often adopted to attract experienced and educated customer service employees due to its high flexibility and low commuting costs.

    the free product-loaner program created by cabela’s would not only perk up employees but also help them better empathize with the product issues that customers might have.

    a/an ______ is a fixed or variable sum of what a company pays to its sales force, in an attempt to motivate personnel and spur revenues.

    corporate social responsibility is no longer viewed as ______, but an investment that brings financial returns.

    the potential drawback of this investment ______ is that it is exclusive in the u.s. when many believe international ersification is helpful.

    ______ is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a all business.

    one possibility she is seriously considering is to introduce a line of sorbets based on exotic fruits like kiwi and mango and that use low-calorie sweeteners. what does the underlined word “exotic” probably mean?

    securities are stocks, shares, bonds, or other certificates that you buy in order to earn regular interest from them or to sell them later for a profit. the chinese version for “securities” is ______.

    you shouldn’t ______ the exercise equipment while others are waiting to use it.

    when an employee is aware that his expertise and experiences are appreciated by his company and his fellow workers, he is able to _____ even more closely with the company.

    the luxurious employee training offered by the four seasons hotels is called ______.

    a computer ______ is someone who tries to break into computer systems, especially in order to get secret information.

    survey participants their approach to employee benefits into one of four profiles.

    not only have they produced higher stock returns, but their stock values and cash flows have been less volatile. what does the underlined word "volatile" probably mean?

    customers are fed up with lousy service and that increased satisfaction has a positive impact on consumer spending, cash flow, and business performance. what does the underlined word "lousy" probably mean?

    how do you account for the company’s alarmingly high staff ______?

    ______ difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department.

    soft returns delivered by an effective benefits program include a sense of meeting obligations and goodwill and ______?

    he is the only person who can in this merging case with disneyland , because the other witnesses were absent mysteriously.

    employers value skills that you can learn in ___________.

    kids who develop affective and cognitive ______ form healthy relationships and argue less with their parents, research shows.

    is an arrangement that allows an employee to adjust the start and end times at work around the normal schedule.

    employees that place a heavy emphasis on the ______ and ______ of their benefits programs and regard them as key competitive differentiators are characterized as progressive.

    outperforming companies are more likely to _______and______ .

    noise in the communication process model can be both external and internal. which of the following is/are example(s) of internal noise?

    being nervous in a presentation ______.

    companies are beginning to align business objectives with csr so as to reduce cost and enter less favorable market.

    the model of homeshoring is often adopted to attract experienced and educated customer service employees due to its high flexibility and low commuting costs.

    devaluation of the us dollar makes the prices of foreign currencies and products less expensive to americans.

    the three pillars of u.s. economic growth this year have been housing construction, business outlays for new buildings and equipment, and exports.

    “dessert junkies” are those people with yearning for low-fat frozen yogurt and low-fat ice cream.

    the most obvious solution to monopoly would be the diemberment.

    customer base are the group of customers who repeatedly purchase the goods or services of the business.

    amazon is criticized for alienating suppliers, content partners and publishers while alibaba have a different focus. alibaba helps all businesses, which makes it stand in stark contrast to amazon.

    “trade surplus” is a situation in which the value of goods a country imports is worth more than that it exports.

    as people notice consistent quality differences, customers’ attitudes improve or deteriorate quite quickly.

    flexible employers may be more apt to support programs that take a longer term view, such as financial planning and wellness initiatives.

    the monopolies in area of energy are benign, so it’s unnecessary for the government to eliminate them.

    the dip in oil prices will lower production costs for the american companies because the u.s. is an energy-importing economy.

    某企业净利润880万元,年初净资产为5282万元,年末为4042万元,则该企业的净资产收益率为( )。

    在行政诉讼过程中,被告不得( )。

    诉讼时效期间届满,当事人丧失( )。


    普通股是股份公司发行的无特别权利的股份。一般情况下,股份公司只发行普通股。 ( )


    甲公司向银行借款1000万元,约定于1997年1月31日还款。乙公司与银行签订了保证合同,承诺当甲公司不能履行义务时,再由乙公司承担偿还甲公司借款本息的责任。甲公司借款合同到期时偿还了500万元本金,尚欠540万元。1997年9月,银行乙公司,要求其承担保证责任。 请综合分析,回答本案涉及的下列法律问题。乙公司应承担保证责任的范围包括( )。

    【真题试题】(2005年多项选择第36题)法律风险防范机制的全面性体现在( )。


    商标的注册人如已许可他人使用注册商标,应当征得被许可人同意才能将注册商标转让给第三者。 ( )

    下列关于节能标准说法不正确的是( )。

    企业法律顾问的下列哪一活动标志着企业法律顾问工作进入企业决策体系、实现由被动型向主动型的转变,也是企业依法经营管理水平提高的体现( )。


    王、李、张约定各出资50万元设立甲有限公司,因王只有25万元,遂与张约定由张为其垫付出资25万元。公司设立时,张以价值50万元的房屋评估为75万元骗得验资。后债权人发现甲公司注册资本不实。甲公司欠缴的25万元出资应( )。

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