


    management accounting is concerned with providing information to managers, the people _____an organization who direct and control its operations?

    financial accounting primarily summarizes ____ financial transactions, while management accounting has a strong ____orientation.

    with the fast changing globalized economy, management accounting plays an important role in supporting managers to make quick and relevant decisions.

    only large organization has managers. managers must be responsible for planning, directing and motivating personnel, controlling operations and making informed decision making.

    the ________________is an ethical code issued by institute of management accountants (ima) of the united states and a revised version was published in july 2017.

    which of the following costs belongs to direct labor costs?

    which of the following costs would be considered a period rather than a product cost in a manufacturing company?

    which of the following costs belongs to selling and administrative costs?

    racing bicycle company produces and sells a single type of mountain bike. the beginning finished inventories are $130,000. cost of bikes manufactured this year is $760,000. ending finished goods inventories are $150,000. what is the cost of goods sold for this year?

    which of the following is not true about cost classification?

    suppose that you bought an automobile that cost $10,000 two years ago. suppose that your car could be sold now for $5,000. you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the train to kuala lumpur to attend a concert. you have ample cash to do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. which of the following costs is relevant to this decision?

    which of the following costs would be variable with respect to the number of cones sold at a baskins & robbins shop? (there may be more than one correct answer.)

    manufacturing companies purchase finished goods from suppliers for resale to customers

    consistent with the matching principle, product costs are initially assigned to an inventory account on the balance sheet.

    when expressed on a per unit basis, a fixed cost is inversely related to activity.

    manufacturing overhead consist of indirect labor costs and indirect material costs.

    costs incurred for depreciation, property taxes, utilities, and insurance associated with its selling and administrative functions are included as part of manufacturing overhead.

    finished goods consist of units of product that are partially complete, but will require further work to be saleable to customers.

    manufacturing companies calculate cost of goods sold as beginning finished goods inventory plus cost of goods manufactured minus ending finished goods inventory.

    a fixed cost is constant within the relevant range. in other words, fixed costs do not change for changes in activity that fall within the “relevant range.”

    bmw, the renowned automobile manufacturing corporation, spends a big deal of money every year on production. which of the following statement is true about cost classification?

    which of the following statement is incorrect with regard to least-squares regression method?

    which of the following methods provides the most accurate results in cost estimation?

    in july, bigburgers inc. served 5,000 burgers and was billed $500 for electricity by the utility company. in august, the company served 5,500 burgers and the electricity bill was $520. using the high/low method, what is the fixed cost of electricity per month?

    which of the following belong to discretionary fixed costs? there may be more than one correct answer.

    a cost driver is a measure of what causes the incurrence of variable costs.

    production volume is the only activity base within companies.

    total fixed cost is proportional to the activity level within the relevant range, however, at per unit level, fixed cost remains unchanged.

    a manufacturing company will often have many variable costs associated with the manufacture and distribution of its products to customers.

    in engineering approach, each account under consideration is classified as variable and fixed based on the yst’s prior knowledge about how costs behave. this approach is limited in value in the sense that it glosses over the fact that some accounts may have both fixed and variable components.

    account ysis approach is particularly useful to estimate mixed costs when no past experience is available concerning activity and costs.

    offshoring may help reduce operating costs for core business functions without relying on 3rd party suppliers.

    a least squares regression method is a quick and easy way to isolate the fixed and variable components of a mixed cost.

    the first step of high-low method is to choose the data points pertaining to the highest and lowest activity levels.

    high-low method uses all of the data points in estimating cost behavior. the basic goal of this method is to fit a straight line to the data that minimizes the sum of the squared errors.

    which of the following assumptions is incorrect in cost-volume-profit ysis?

    which of the following statements is not true about cvp ysis?

    coffee klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. the average selling price of a cup of coffee is $1.49 and the average variable expense per cup is $0.36. the average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each month on average. what is the cm ratio for coffee klatch?

    coffee klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. the average selling price of a cup of coffee is $1.49 and the average variable expense per cup is $0.36. the average fixed expense per month is $1,300. how many cups of coffee would have to be sold to attain target profits of $2,500 per month?

    coffee klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. the average selling price of a cup of coffee is $1.49 and the average variable expense per cup is $0.36. the average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each month on average. what is the break-even sales dollars?

    coffee klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. the average selling price of a cup of coffee is $1.49 and the average variable expense per cup is $0.36. the average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each month on average. what is the margin of safety expressed in cups?

    rbc corporation currently has a negative contribution margin. which of the following statements is true?

    darth company sells three products. sales and contribution margin ratios for the three products follow: product x y z sales in euros €20,000 €40,000 €80,000 contribution margin ratio 35% 40% 15% given these data, what is the contribution margin ratio for the company as a whole?

    the traditional format of income statement is helpful to managers in judging the impact on profits of changes in selling price, cost, or volume.

    the margin of safety is the volume or dollars of sales at which profit is zero.

    the margin of safety helps management assess how far above or below the target profit the company is currently operating.

    in cvp graph, the break-even point is where the total revenue and total expenses lines intersect.

    cm ratio, the contribution margin ratio is calculated by iding the total contribution margin by total sales.

    which method will produce the highest values for work in process and finished goods inventories?

    which of the following statement is not true about variable costing?

    which of the following costs does not belong to manufacturing overhead?

    which of the following is not true about variable costing?

    please read the information above and calculate the unit product cost under absorption costing

    please read the information above and calculate the unit product cost under variable costing

    please read the information above and calculate the net operating income under absorption costing for the month of june

    please read the information above and calculate the net operating income under variable costing for the month of june

    which of the following department does not belong to operating department?

    which of the following methods of allocating service department costs results in the most accurate product cost?

    assume that the company uses the step method of allocation with cafeteria services allocated first. what would be the amount of cafeteria service costs allocated to the cutting department?

    the central purposes of the organization are carried out in the operating departments.

    the direct method partially recognizes the services provided by a service department to other service departments.

    the step-down method provides the most accurate modeling of the service patterns.

    the step-down method provides for the allocation of a service department’s costs to other service departments, as well as to operating departments.

    in direct method, each service department assigns its own costs to operating departments plus the costs that have been allocated to it from other service departments.

    while the reciprocal method only allocates forward and never backwards, the step-down method allocates service department costs in both directions.

    which of the following statements best describes a cost driver?

    which of the following is not a batch-level activity?

    a company that provides packing services has an activity-based costing system with three activity cost pools: scheng, packing boxes, and setting up machinery. the activity rates are $6 per appointment scheduled, $1.50 per box packed, and $5 per machine set-up. if a customer requires one scheduled service call and has 50 boxes to pack using two different machines, how much cost would be assigned to the job for the customer by the activity-based costing system?

    what are the factors that need to be considered in customer profitability ysis with the use of abc? there may be more than one answer.

    what are the limitations of abc? there may be more than one answer.

    abc is a good replacement to our traditional cost system

    abc is designed to provide managers with cost information for strategic and other decisions that potentially affect capacity and therefore affect “fixed” as well as variable costs

    abc assigns both manufacturing costs and non-manufacturing costs to products

    abc assigns all manufacturing costs to products and uses more cost pools

    abc usually relies on volume measures such as direct labor hours or machine hours to allocate all overhead costs to products

    in activity based costing, a cost pool is a cost bucket in which costs related to a single activity measure are accumulated

    duration driver is the simple count of the number of times an activity occurs.

    a company can use abc for external reporting because it conforms to gaap.

    which of the following is not the reason why we must allocate overhead costs to jobs?

    on january 1, 20x7, laut company’s work-in-progress account had a balance of $36,000. during the year, direct materials costing $70,000 were placed into production. direct labour cost for the year was $120,000. the predetermined overhead rate for the year was set at 150% of direct labour cost. actual overhead costs for the year totalled $180,000. jobs costing $380,000 to manufacture (according to their job sheets) were completed during the year. what would the balance in the work-in-progress inventory account be on december 31, 20x7?

    which of the following statements is not correct?

    which of the following companies may benefit from using job order costing systems?

    which of the following statements is true? there may be more than one correct option

    which of the following statements is true? there may be more than one correct option

    a company would use a job order costing system when identical products are produced each period.

    we need to compute predetermined overhead rates and estimated overhead costs, rather than actual overhead costs are used in the job-order costing process.

    manufacturing overhead includes direct materials, direct labor and other manufacturing costs.

    over-applied overhead exists when the amount of overhead applied to jobs during the period using the predetermined overhead rate is less than the total amount of overhead actually incurred during the period.

    once a sales order has been received and a production order issued, the production department prepares a materials requisition form to specify the type, quantity, and total cost of materials.

    to facilitate the allocation of manufacturing overhead to each job, we calculate a predetermined overhead rate after the period begins. the rate is calculated by iding the total actual manufacturing overhead for the coming period by the actual total units of the allocation base.

    what is the amount of actual overhead cost incurred?

    which of the following statements about a process costing system is incorrect?

    which of the following statements about a process costing system is incorrect?

    which of the following is incorrect about cost flows and journal entries of labor costs in process costing?

    which of the following companies would be likely to use process costing rather than job-order costing? there may be more than one correct answer.

    which of the following belongs to manufacturing overhead for a manufacturer enterprise?

    job-order and process costing are similar in that they both deal with assigning materials, labor and overhead to products as a way to calculate the unit product cost.

    equivalent units are the product of the number of partially completed units and the percentage completion of those units.

    the flow of costs through the manufacturing accounts is basically the same for process and job-order costing

    a process costing system is best used by companies that produce many units of different product

    when we use the fifo method we make no distinction between work done in the prior period and work done in the current period

    when finished products are sold to the customer, the costs of these products are transferred from finished goods inventory to cost of goods sold

    process costing systems trace and apply manufacturing costs to jobs

    which of the following statement is not true?

    which of the following is not true about operational budget?

    which of the following types of manufacturing costs are not included in the overhead budget?

    what are the cash collections for march, 20x7?

    which of the following statement is true? there may be more than one correct answer.

    which of the following statement is true about budgeted income statement? there may be more than one correct answer.

    planning involves developing objectives and preparing various budgets to achieve those objectives

    to be effective, a good budgeting system must provide for both planning and control

    operating budget for a manufacturer consists of sales budget, ending inventory budget, production budget, direct materials budget, direct labor budget, manufacturing overhead budget as well as selling and administrative expense budget

    ending balance of retained earnings is based on beginning balance plus net income and deduct idends paid

    what should the revenue be in a flexible budget for 600 lawns?

    what should the total expenses be in a flexible budget for 600?

    what should the net operating income be in a flexible budget for 600 lawns?

    a flexible is suitable for planning and is valid for only the planned level of activity.

    flexible budgets help managers control costs and improve performance evaluation

    part of the discrepancy between the budgeted net operating income and the actual net operating income, which is because the actual level of activity is higher than the planned activity, is called activity variance.

    an activity variance arises solely due to the difference in the level of activity included in the planning budget and the actual level of activity.

    an activity variance is the difference between what the total revenue should have been, given the actual level of activity for the period, and the actual total revenue.

    flexible budget allows us to isolate activity variances and revenue and spending variances.

    which of the following statement is not true?

    which one of the following variances is most controllable by the production control supervisor?

    what is the direct material quantity variance for the period?

    what is the direct labor rate variance?

    what is the direct labor efficiency variance?

    which of the following is not true? there are more than one answer.

    revenue and spending variances can be decomposed into two parts, a part measuring how well resources were used and another part measuring how well the acquisition prices of those resources were controlled.

    in managerial accounting, two types of standards are commonly used by manufacturing, service, and not-for-profit organizations: quantity standards and price standards.

    price standards specify how much of an input should be used to make a product or provide a service.

    standards are not determined by using available references that estimate the time needed to perform a given task, or by relying on time and motion studies.

    setting price and quantity standards require the combined expertise of everyone who has responsibility for purchasing and using inputs.

    in order to be more productive and efficient at work, any cost variances should be brought to the attention of management.

    which of the following statement is incorrect?

    consider the following data: return on investment (roi) 17% sales €140,000 average operating assets €80,000 minimum required rate of return 15% profit margin 10% what is the residual income?

    what is the roi for fruta in 20x7?

    what are the advantages of decentralization?

    a decentralized organization does not confine decision-making authority to a few top executives

    the manager of a cost center has control over costs, revenue as well as investment funds

    profit center managers are often evaluated by comparing actual profit to targeted or budgeted profit

    investment center managers are often evaluated using return on investment (roi) or residual income.

    a segmented income statement using the traditional net income format can be used to reflect decentralized performance in inidual segment

    traceable fixed costs of one segment may be a common fixed cost of another segment.

    which of the following statement is incorrect?

    which of the following is not true about joint costs?

    warson ltd. is considering closing its alberta ision. which of the following would not be relevant to the closure decision?

    what are the advantages of vertical integration? there may be more than one correct answer.

    what qualitative factors should be considered in keep-or-drop decision? there may be more than one correct answer.

    an avoidable cost is a cost that can be eliminated, in whole or in part, by choosing one alternative over another

    a sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be avoided regardless of what a manager decides to do

    costs that are relevant in one decision situation may not be relevant in another context.

    when two or more products are produced from a common input these products are known as by products

    the decision to drop an old segment or add a new one is going to hinge primarily on the impact the decision will have on net operating income.

    all future costs are relevant in decision making

    which of the following statement is not true?

    lester company has been offered a five year contract to provide component parts for a large manufacturer. at the end of five years the working capital will be released and may be used elsewhere by lester. lester company uses a discount rate of 10%. what’s the net present value of the project? should the contract be accepted?

    the expected annual net cash inflow from a project is $22,000 over the next 5 years. the required investment now in the project is $79,310. what is the internal rate of return on the project?

    consider the following two investments: project x project y initial investment $100,000 $100,000 year 1 cash inflow $60,000 $60,000 year 2 cash inflow $40,000 $35,000 year 14-10 cash inflows $0 $25,000 which project has the shortest payback period?

    the term capital budgeting is used to describe how managers plan significant cash outlays on projects that have long-term implications, such as the purchase of new equipment and the introduction of new products.

    the capital budgeting techniques best recognize the time value of money and those involve discounted cash flows.

    the time value of money concept recognizes that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar a year from now

    the internal rate of return is a valuation method used to estimate the value of an investment based on its future cash flows

    the discounted cash flow is the rate promised by an investment project over its useful life

    the internal rate of return is the discount rate that will result in a net present value of zero

    the payback method focuses on the payback period, which is the length of time that it takes for a project to recoup its initial cost out of the cash receipts that it generates.

    the acceptance criteria of the payback method is that if the payback period is more than management’s target or required period, the project would be chosen.

    a shorter payback period means that one investment is more desirable than another.

    what is the current ratio for year 2018?

    what is the times interest earned ratio for year 2018?

    what are the strengths of financial statement analysis? there may be more than one correct answer.

    financial statement ysis assists in assessing the financial health and future prospects of a company by top managers, stockholders, creditors and other stakeholders.

    the ratio of earnings per share expresses the relationship between a stock’s market price per share and its earnings per share.

    p/e ratio quantifies the percentage of current earnings being paid out in idends

    the ratio of return on total assets measures the rate of return earned by capital employed

    market prices reflect expectations about future earnings and idends, whereas book value reflects past results

    short-term creditors want to be repaid on time, while long-term creditors concern with a company’s ability to repay its loans over the long run

    ample working capital provides some assurance to long-term creditors

    a large and growing working capital balance may not be a good sign.

    which of the following statements about a process costing system is incorrect?

    what are the cash collections for march, 20x7?

    which one of the following variances is most controllable by the production control supervisor?

    consider the following data: return on investment (roi) 17% sales €140,000 average operating assets €80,000 minimum required rate of return 15% profit margin 10% what is the residual income ?

    which of the following companies would be likely to use process costing rather than job-order costing? there may be more than one correct answer.

    what are the advantages of decentralization?

    job-order and process costing are similar in that they both deal with assigning materials, labor and overhead to products as a way to calculate the unit product cost.

    equivalent units are the product of the number of partially completed units and the percentage completion of those units.

    a flexible is suitable for planning and is valid for only the planned level of activity.

    which of the following statement is true about relevant information?

    racing bicycle company produces and sells a single type of mountain bike. the beginning finished inventories are $130,000. cost of bikes manufactured this year is $760,000. ending finished goods inventories are $150,000. what is the cost of goods sold for this year?

    which of the following methods provides the most accurate results in cost estimation?

    coffee klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. the average selling price of a cup of coffee is $1.49 and the average variable expense per cup is $0.36. the average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each month on average. what is the cm ratio for coffee klatch?

    coffee klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. the average selling price of a cup of coffee is $1.49 and the average variable expense per cup is $0.36. the average fixed expense per month is $1,300. how many cups of coffee would have to be sold to attain target profits of $2,500 per month?

    which of the following is not a batch-level activity?

    which of the following statements is true? there may be more than one correct option

    which of the following belong to discretionary fixed costs? there may be more than one correct answer.

    with the fast changing globalized economy, management accounting plays an important role in supporting managers to make quick and relevant decisions.

    manufacturing companies purchase finished goods from suppliers for resale to customers.

    account ysis approach is particularly useful to estimate mixed costs when no past experience is available concerning activity and costs.

    the traditional format of income statement is helpful to managers in judging the impact on profits of changes in selling price, cost, or volume.

    国际正式比赛中,羽毛球实行过( ) (1)7分制 (2)15分制 (3)21分制 (4 )30分制

    现代羽毛球运动起源于 (填名)

    羽毛球项目于 年被列为奥运会正式比赛项目。

    羽毛球的重量规则规定为( )克。 (1)4.50- 4.74;(2)4.74- 5.50;(3)5.50-5.74;(4)5.74- 6.50


    羽毛球场地上各条线的宽度均为 厘米。

    反手发球根据球的飞行弧度可发出( ) (1)网前球;(2)平高球;(3)平快球;(4)高远球



    单打比赛中,甲10:5领先乙,甲应在( )发球,乙应在( )接发球。 (1)左场区,左场区;(2)左场区,右场区;(3)右场区,左场区;(4)右场区,右场区


    正手击高球时,击球瞬间主要靠( )发力。 (1)手指;(2)手腕;(3)手臂;(4)肩

    高质量的击球技术要符合 的原则。



    羽毛球后场高球、吊球、杀球三大击球动作的准备姿势和引拍动作要做到 。






    羽毛球基本技术中,击球时唯一能使球旋转的技术是( ) (1)放网;(2)搓球;(3)推球;(4)扑球

    网前技术最易犯的错误动作是( ) (1)握拍放松;(2)握拍太紧;(3)触网;(4)过网击球


    羽毛球后退步法中常用 起跳步法完成击球动作。

    上网步法可视对方来球方向不同分为正手上网步法、 和蹬跳上网扑球步法三种。



    羽毛球双打比赛中,当a方处于进攻时,则a方站位应该形成 (前后站位?左右站位?)较合理。

    四个队参加单循环赛,共需比赛( )场。 (1)4 (2)6 (3)8 (4)10





    问题1 单选 (3分) 如图1所示,液压系统中推动负载作直线运动的元件是几号元件?名称是什么? 图1-液压系统的组成


    如图1所示,列说确的是( )。

    如图所示,软管连接方式完全正确的一组是( )。



    液压传动中的功率 p 可以用 乘积来表示。

    动力元件是将原动机输入的机械能转换成流体的 ,为系统提供动力。

    控制元件可以控制系统的 。

    下列元件不是动力元件的是 。

    液体在流动时产生 的特性称为粘性。

    静止液体不显示 。

    液压系统的工作压力取决于 。

    流体的粘度随温度的增加而 。

    当系统的工作压力较高时,宜选用粘度 的液压油。

    下列元件不是控制元件的是 。








    一水平放置的双杆液压缸,采用三位四通电磁换向阀,要求阀处于中位时,液压泵卸荷,液压缸浮动,其中位机能应选用h型;要求阀处于中位时,液压泵卸荷,且液压缸闭锁不动,其中位机能应选用( )。



    如图所示,下面元件属于方向控制元件的是 。



    如图1所示,先导式溢流阀的设定压力py1=6mpa,直动式溢流阀的设定压力py2=4.5mpa, 泵出口处的负载阻力为无限大。2/2电磁换向阀的电磁铁y不得电时,泵的出口压力pp为多少?(不计管道损失和调压偏差) 图1

    如图1所示,先导式溢流阀的设定压力py1=6mpa,直动式溢流阀的设定压力py2=4.5mpa, 泵出口处的负载阻力为无限大。2/2电磁换向阀的电磁铁y得电时,泵的出口压力pp为多少?(不计管道损失和调压偏差)

    下面叙述的液压元件和图片属于压力控制元件的是 。





    如图所示是一个单向节流阀的结构图,下面描述正确的是( )。

    如图所示,下面叙述正确的是( )。 (a) (b)

    下面的职能符号和名称叙述正确的是 。

    下面叙述的液压元件和图片属于流量控制元件的是 。



    如图1所示是一个实验台的电气开关,下面描述正确的是( )。 图1

    如图1所示是一个实验台的电气开关,下面描述正确的是( )。

    下图为哪种接近开关?( )

    如图所示是实验台的一个中间继电器,下面叙述正确的是( ) 。



    图中的气缸为 。

    以下说确的是( )。

    如图所示为梭阀,两个输入口1的任意一个有气信号时,输出口2都会有气信号输出,因此输出口2筛选的是 信号。

    如图所示,下面说确的 。

    下图为 阀,又称 元件,它筛选的是 信号。

    如图所示为 气缸。

    如图所示,关于机械行程换向阀,下面叙述正确的是 。




    压缩空气站是气压系统的( )。

    以下不是贮气罐的作用是( )。

    气源装置提供有一定的压力和足够的流量、有一定的清洁度和干燥度的压缩空气,它是由以下 组成。

    与液压系统相比较,气动系统的主要缺点有 。



    如图1所示,下面叙述错误的是 。 图1

    图1中单向节流阀的作用是( )。

    图2为气动自锁回路,下述说确的是( )。 图2

    图3为电气自锁回路,下述说确的是( )。 图3

    图4为电气自锁回路,下述说确的是( )。 图4



    如图所示,说确的是( )

    如图所示的控制系统那种说法是正确的?( )

    两缸有障碍纯气动回路的消障方法是 。

    两缸顺序控制的电气设计可采用 方法消除障碍。








    按生产要素分配的类型有( )

    创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个兴旺发达的不竭动力。建设创新型的核心是 ( )

    社会实行按劳分配的前提条件是( )

    关于市场经济理论的内涵包括( )

    市场机制主要包括( )

    的国体是( )

    民主政治的本质是( )

    代表大会的核心内容是( )

    的人权首要的是( )

    我国多合作的首要前提和根本保证是( )



    报告指出:培育和践行核心价值观,要深入挖掘优秀传统文化蕴含的( ),结合时代要求继承创新,让文化展现出永久魅力和时代风采。

    ( )是一个、一个民族发展中更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量。

    民族精神是核心价值体系的重要内容之一,其核心是( )

    积极推进社会治理创新的主要措施包括( )

    “群众的基本生存和生活状态,以及群众的基本发展机会、基本发展能力和基本权益保护状况等”描述的是哪一重要概念( )

    ( )是改革开放和现代化建设的根本目的,也是社会建设的基本着力点。

    改进社会治理方式,形成系统治理,就要做到( )

    加快推进教育体制机制改革的举措有( )

    pm2.5(细粒颗粒)这个大家原本很陌生的专有名词,因为2011年10月我国多地灰霾天气造成严重大气污染而迅速成为社会热词。2012年2月修订的《环境空气质量标准》增加了pm2.5指标,该指标随后又被写入工作报告。这既折射出当前我国环境污染的严重性,同时也反映了和治理环境污染、建设生态文明的决心。十八大提出的生态文明建设新要求是( )

    在的上,我首次把( )写进代会政治报告。

    “我们既要绿水青山,也要金山银山。宁要绿水青山,不要金山银山,而且绿水青山就是金山银山。”这段话生动地反映了生态文明建设与经济建设之间的关系,即( )。

    在( )上,我提出要建立系统完整的生态文明制度体系

    建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会就是要处理好( )的关系



    七届二中全会上提出的两个“务必”是务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风 、务必使同志们继续地保持艰苦奋斗的作风。


    共产面临的是精神懈怠的危险、 能力不足的危险、脱离群众的危险、消极的危险。















    小连奏的弹奏要点是手腕的圆滑、自然和放松。 - 未答
















    “人马未动,粮草先行” ; “仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱” ;国以民为本,民以食为天等佳句,足以诠释了仓储财富的地位。





    的营业仓库包括( )

    杂货仓库所储存的商品包括:农产品、 化学物品、 化学危险品、 药品、 机械等。








    立体仓库(stereoscopic warehouse)是指采用高层货架以货箱或托盘储存货物,用巷道堆垛起重机及其他机械进行作业的仓库。


    托盘的主要缺点( )



    多仓库选址方法( )


    影响储存空间的主要因素是( )








































    应用隶属因子赋值法时,首先确定每项指标评语等级(即标准档次),评语等级个数m通常应大于4小于10,一般为奇数,如 5、7、9。









    当一方向另一方发出不明确的交易愿望的行为为要约引诱,要约引诱不具有约束力, 如广告、推销宣传等。

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